Centrism. Bipartisanship. What exactly do these words mean in the shadow of the Obama administration? Apparently, nothing.
Barack Obama has made reference to his administrations attempt to take over the health care system in America as a ‘centrist-plan’. If you think about this for a moment, that assessment actually makes sense once Obama’s frame of mind is put into context. Sure, it was a centrist plan -- in a liberal democrat type of way, somewhere between far-radical-wacko-left and normal-loony-left. Basically, according to the President and the liberal democrats in Congress, bipartisanship means a compromise between far left and left. This is to be expected when both houses of congress are ran by far left liberals, further punctuated by a President that thinks bipartisanship means a compromise between socialized medicine and semi-socialized medicine.
However, the American People decide what is acceptable or not, and by and large, the only party in congress actually listening to the People’s opinions regarding the Obama administrations policies is the Republican Party – that pesky Party of No. They are listening and adhering to the American People’s voice at the expense of being discredited and ostracized by the liberal democrats and the Obama administration.
One of the most frustrating things about this President and administration is their inability to demonstrate they understand that cooperation and bipartisanship are two-way streets. This is so frustrating because Obama ran a campaign on bipartisanship and bringing the parties together. What a steaming pile of crap and hypocrisy! Obama and his administration constantly barrage republicans in congress with accusations of not cooperating, when in reality, it is the liberal democrats who are not demonstrating any willingness to listen to the republican voice in Washington. Methinks, as you judge, so shall you be judged…
Case in point: the whimpering drivel given by Indiana senator Evan Bayh, democrat, as he announced he is not seeking a third term.
Here is a quote he gave in announcing his decision not to run again:
"There are some ideologues in the Senate. There are some staunch partisans. The vast majority are good, decent people who are trapped in a system that does not let that goodness and decency translate itself into legislative accomplishments."He is exactly right! There are some extreme ideologues and partisans in the senate; however, they reside within Bayh’s own party!
The reason I confidently make this claim is I actually pay attention to things not conveyed in the Lame stream media. Every major accredited poll will show you what I am talking about – Americans do not like the policy coming from this liberally driven congress and administration. Even some of the traditionally left-leaning poles like ABC, Gallup, and Washington Post now show ever decreasing support for this administration.
Bayh says there are “decent people who are trapped in a system…” Ya, I’ll tell you what they are “trapped” in: A reality-proof cube with opaque glass walls of pure partisan policymaking. Sure, they can kind of determine what is going on outside the walls, but really, they have no clear picture, so they rely on special interest groups and their own personally driven liberal ideologies to tell them how to write policy.
I would be inclined to respect Obama a little more if he would say things like “You know, I hear what you guys are saying, and basically, I don’t like it – so either put up or shut up! I know what is best for Americans better than they do, so start toeing to the line! In the meantime I am going to hurl nasty partisan language at you and pout until Americans see it my way!”
But he doesn’t say it like it is, he makes insipid claims that the republicans are nothing more than an angry hoard of negative and non-compromising dolts – out to say nothing but “NO!” to every one of his administration’s policies. To add insult to injury, he then exalts himself by stating in his meeting with house republicans that he was “sent to Washington to do a job”, and they better start steering away from this “Party of No” stigma.
What a load of sanctimonious crap! The republicans in congress were also sent there to do a job -- the democrats in congress said “NO” to every idea and urging from the Republican Party regarding health care reform and virtually every other piece of legislation in 2009, so Mr. President, when you say you were sent to Washington to do a job, yet your congress had a record of pure party-line legislation in 2009 -- what exactly are you talking about? Especially in the light of plummeting approval numbers of you and your administrations policies! If you were sent to Washington to do a job, then do it! Stop whining, pointing fingers, blaming the Bush administration, and start working toward the bipartisanship you championed while campaigning for President.
We are not as stupid as the liberal democrats in congress and the lefty media think we are -- at least those of us who have chosen to educate ourselves. Those of us who oppose policy coming from the Obama administration are not all right-wing nut-jobs with beer stained shirts spouting bible versus and clinging to our guns. Yes, a lot of us own bibles and
**gasp** read them. Many of us also own guns, and want our rights to own them to remain intact. However, we also concern ourselves with our civic duty as responsible Americans to question those in power and help to keep Big Government in check. For the record, many of us didn’t agree with every policy that came from Bush administration either.
Listen, you can’t tell the republicans to “start cooperating or else” when you are flat refusing to listen to any idea they represent – and then turn around any make holier-than-thou claims about bipartisanship being dead in Washington!
This is one of the reasons why the American People are rejecting this administration. Democrat or republican, liberal or conservative – people can’t stand hypocrisy, and our B.S. detectors are spinning off the scale. You can’t continually assault one entire party in Washington while you do nothing but disregard and reject everything they offer – it is political suicide.
My contention is that the 2010 midterm elections will prove my point entirely!