Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Letter to the President

A letter to the President is in order these days. Any American concerned with National Security, their future, children’s future, financial wellbeing or ability to realize the American Dream should be making a concerted effort to scrutinize what the current administration is doing, what they plan on doing, and what it means for you as an average American consumer. Mass media engines are not running on all cylinders. That is to say they only convey one side of the story. The side that is bent on a liberal, left leaning frame of mind. I wrote the succeeding letter in an effort to compile and condense an overabundance of concern for where the new administration is taking the country. There have been many similar letters to the President circulating around since inauguration. My favorite is the one Lou Pritchett wrote in May. Check it out: http://www.snopes.com/politics/soapbox/youscareme.asp

Here is mine:


Mr. President,
You campaigned on the notion that you would bring change to Washington, starting with ending partisanship and providing utter transparency and calculated judgment concerning legislation. Well, either you blatantly lied to the country or you have utterly failed in that endeavor, or both. Your Stimulus bill and deficit budget are nothing more than the largest purely partisan spending debacles in our nation’s history. You and your administration have doubled our debt and greatly aided in rendering the American dollar valueless in just the first few weeks of your Presidency. You forced this, without the bi-partisan effort you so eloquently sold voters on just months before, and without any display of transparency or calculated judgment. Aside from three republican turncoats whom you bought off, not a single republican in Washington believes your stimulus bill and monumental deficit budget is the answer for America right now.

Nobody believes that standing idly by is the answer, and both Congress and America know that time is of the essence regarding repairing our economy. But you sir have shown the country your true colors by completely disregarding the thoughts, ideas, concerns, and suggestions from everybody that is not on the far left of every issue. You and your far left puppets Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reed have done nothing to hear and combine the republican voice in Washington; the republican voice that is sent to Washington by the people to speak for the people. In essence Mr. President, you have directly given the finger to the American people whom do not believe your spending bill and deficit budget are what is best for America right now. Figuratively, you have strangled and thwarted half of the American voice in the name “Change”. Your administration has already spent and budgeted more money than the country could ever hope to collect. When you accrue a debt that you cannot possibly repay it is called bankruptcy Mr. President. It is my belief, and the belief of millions of others, that you touring around the country effectively still campaigning is just a front to distract the distractible from what you have really done. And that is: Hand us and our children a bankrupt and weaker nation. All in just the first 100 days of your presidency.
Not only have you arrogantly attempted to snuff out the voice of non-left America, you proceed to parade around the country and world like a self absorbed celebrity promoting a new movie while the media caters to your every move. America does not need another American Idol, Media Kingpin, or power-drunk egocentric celebrity Mr. President. America needs you and congress to ensure our financial future. Americans need more money in their wallets. Spending by citizens stimulates the economy. Free enterprise through the private sector, and tax cuts and incentives for businesses stimulate the economy. Printing more money, out of control government deficit spending, and “spreading the wealth around” from earners to non-earners does nothing to stimulate the economy. You and your administrations dyslectic, leftist frame of mind believe in fiscal practices that history has proven to be failures. Americans need to be able to take more money home from their paychecks. Americans need you to deliver some tangible “hope” and “winds of change” you duped half the nation with rather than the fart in the countries face you have left us with thus far. Hope: That they will be able to have faith in their elected government to do what is right for America rather than inflating programs and expenditures of what a leftist, purely partisan ideology dictates. Change: In Washington from what your leftist counterparts have referred to as “a culture of corruption.”
The TEA parties on April 15th were not just for what the media would like to label as radical right-wing nut jobs. They were for anyone concerned about our current far left administration bankrupting America. Anyone concerned about our countries future in the hands of an administration clearly bent on a far left ideological path with little to no bi-partisanship or checks and balances coupled with an obvious liberal media giving them a complete pass. If the anti American, liberal-rag media got their way they would have the majority of the nation believing that conservatives are nothing more than red neck, radical, half-wit, racists. But thank God for the TRUTH. The TRUTH is: We are concerned citizens, who love our country, have a healthy respect for what our forefathers intended for this great nation, and we vote! With our own government (Department of Homeland Security) labeling conservatives as terrorists, we can’t afford to be lackadaisical in our principles or apathetic with what your far left administration and media are inundating us with.
There is no question; the majority of main stream media has a clear and very obvious liberal frame of mind, and likewise, is in love with you and your administration, giving you the cover you need to force your far left agenda upon America as quickly as you can without being questioned.
I urge you to remember Mr. President; half of the country was not blindly deceived by you and the liberal media in your back pocket. Half of the country is not in love with you and your obvious far left of center agenda. Half of the country is disgusted with the appalling and ludicrous attempt of your administration and the liberal media to indoctrinate the country with the backwards notion that conservatism is something to be eradicated. That conservatives and people with a right leaning mind set are to be labeled as terrorists.
Mr. President, I implore you not make the ignorant and dangerous mistake that the leftist media has already made of mischaracterizing half of the nations people as right-wing, radical extremists just because they do not whole heartedly embrace your vision for the direction of the country. 233 years ago, there was an oppressed people who did not agree with their governments vision for their lives either, and indeed they were labeled rebel extremists and traitors. In a turn of extraordinary events they fought for, forged, and founded the greatest nation the world has ever known. Their spirit is not extinct. Although threatened by a malignant deception that attempts to shame the very elements that made this country great such as liberty, religious freedom, and personal responsibility, the spirit of our founding fathers still lives in the hearts of millions of Americans. That same spirit will not fade quietly into submission. That spirit is very much alive, worth fighting and standing up for, and God willing, shall not perish from this land!

War and Rumors of War


Well, I decided to start studying up on Iran and its political structure. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but I see that Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei is the “Supreme Leader”. He has been in power since 1989. The Supreme Leader is generally in power until death or until overthrown. Since 1979 there have only been 2. Generally, in theory, he has the power to overrule the elected President if he feels his policies are not in accord with God.
He is ultimately responsible for getting Mahmoud Ahmadinejad elected; or at least skewing the election to make it appear that he was elected. The people are outraged because their political system is so incredibly corrupt. Just like every other oppressed people in the history of society they want freedom and liberty, and they are revolting against the oppression.
Ahmadinejad is a nut job who has sworn the annihilation of Israel and doesn’t like or fear the US, but honestly, this is not the most alarming thing to me. The fact the Obama has done nothing to publically show he is an advocate for the freedom of the Iranian people, denounce the radical Islamic oppression manifested by its regime leaders, or stand up for Israel in the midst of extremist threats is alarming to say the least. We are supposed to be the last bastion of personal and religious freedom in the world. The architects of true liberty. The curators of human rights. Wouldn’t you think that the President of the United States would at the very least publically voice Americas support for the freedom of the Iranian people? I’m not asking for support through the use of troops, bombs, or even financial aid; just a public display of support for freedom. Or how about showing a little support for our ONLY ally in the Middle East? Our Socialist President can’t even do that. Allow me to take a wild stab at the reason why: Because he is fundamentally not a genuine advocate for freedom; plain and simple. He wants government to be in control of most if not all aspects of the peoples’ lives. Given his radically left associations and the large and unchecked strides toward Socialism his current administration has taken since he took office, I defy anyone to attempt to prove me wrong.

Hope and Change for the Duped and Suckered


Obama and his radical administration have been moving at political light speed. Never stopping to weigh the long term consequences of their actions; never allowing bi-partisan debate on the issues like what was promised on the campaign trail. Not only dose this ultra liberal administration turn a deaf ear to the republican voice in Washington, they demean any dialog from the conservative side, and refer to them as the “Party of No” and so forth.
The Nancy Pelosi Debacle Syndrome is in full force. Nothing new there – she is a deceitful, dishonest, incompetent boob! Napolitano and her ilk have labeled anyone with a conservative or right leaning frame of mind as a potential threat to National Security. And Biden? That guy is so entrenched in the lie that what he has to say is intelligent and important it’s actually pitiful. Funny at times, but mostly pitiful. Ive given him the call sign, Joe “Ice” Biden. Just has a nice ring for the old gaff master.
Obama has a truly uncanny ability to completely blow my mind with how he shows his inexperience, yet demonstrates colossal arrogance. Trillions of dollars in deficit spending aside. A 700 billion dollar porkulus bill that congress can’t even account for aside. Wall street demonstrating absolutely zero confidence in the Obama administration aside. Oh, and just forget for a moment that Obama is turning his back on our oldest allies in the Middle East, Israel, and claiming to be able to have constructive dialogue with an Iranian nut job who has vowed total annihilation of the country. Forget all of that for a moment.
This man had the sheer impudent nerve to claim in his speech at the National Archives this week that the previous administrations eight years actually made this country weaker. Is this man out of his mind? Seriously, what country has Obama been living in since 2001? It’s almost as if he is so drunk with his own power and celebrity supported by a sycophantic media in the palm of his hand that he feels he can literally say ANYTHING and actually believe it is truth. His speech was saturated with broad swaths of generalized rhetoric (that’s the politically correct term for lies) aimed at the previous administration. Strategic in a way, as no specifics were given for individuals to actually rebut. So the saga continues. The lies compile and compound. Is there light at the end of the tunnel? I believe so, and I think that light, dim though it may be, is November 2010. Although the current administration has cart blanch to cram every bit of radical leftist ideology down the nation’s throat, they know it is fleeting.
I contend that if you put to a nation wide vote the following:
*10 trillion dollar debt. *A Federal Government run automobile industry. *Federal Government owned and operated health care. *Releasing fanatical terrorists imprisoned OUTSIDE of the lower 48 to INSIDE the lower 48. *Hanging our ONLY ally in the Middle East out to dry. Etc. etc. The collective American response would be a big fat “HELL NO!”
The current administration knows this and is moving at light speed to get their radical left ideology made into law before 2010. For those of you who voted in the current mistake, it’s OK to be ashamed of it or admit the decision was conceived out of emotional or subjective reasons. You can redeem yourself by using your brain next time and making a calculated, objective, rational decision instead of being duped by empty fabricated propaganda slogans like “hope” and “change”. History is at our disposal to learn from. Check it out. Everything the current administration is doing and is planning to do has been attempted before, and failed. And you wonder why the republicans in Washington are being the “party of no” right now?

Norman Thomas, six time candidate for US President for the Socialist party of America was quoted in 1948 during his last run as saying "The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day, America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened."


God Bless America.