Tuesday, November 2, 2010

November 2nd: A Referendum on Out of Control Government

Upon opening our mail last Friday, my wife and I discovered first-hand another reason to not vote democrat. A pleasant letter from my health insurance provider candidly informed me that my monthly premium is set to increase by $55 a month effective December 1st! Knowing that this was going to be a nasty consequence of Obamacare, I wasn’t surprised in the least, yet reading that letter just reinforced my resolve against the current democratic monstrosity in Washington. I know some deniers out there will simply dismiss my complaint as a hypersensitivity to a grim fact that health insurance premiums traditionally increase annually. I am aware of this fact; however, the annual increases have typically been about 1% to 3%. This increase is a whopping 25%! Furthermore, this comes in the wake of the health care takeover that democrats forced upon us in the name of lowering our health care costs! They plainly did nothing to help lower our costs. In fact, these types of premium increases are happening across the country, and some insurance providors are even dropping coverage all together. So much for the lie of “…if you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor…”

I offer the following thanks to the democrats in power, (sarcasm intended):

Thank you President Obama, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Majority Leader Harry Reid and all the democrats in congress for taking food off of my table in difficult economic times. Thank you for overstepping your limits afforded by the constitution and force-placing your utopian dream of a government ran health care system upon the entire country.
Because of your reckless disregard of what the majority of Americans wanted, let alone the constitution, and your arrogant endangerment of our entire health care system, I will now have to spend less money at the grocery store, or on my kids, in order to accommodate the new $55 monthly bill handed to me by my insurance company—courtesy of your horribly misguided health care law.
Similar to millions of other Americans, my wife and I do not have much disposable income; we live paycheck to paycheck on a budget. We are the epitome of the “average American citizens” you claim to have an interest in assisting. A new $55 a month bill is not easily absorbed by our budget. We will have to cut costs in the only variable expense areas we have: groceries, gas, and what we can do for the kids.


The midterm elections today, November 2nd, will not be about restoring the republicans to power. Republicans may be uniquely positioned to be the undeserving beneficiaries of a destructive congress which has lost the faith of the American people; however, republicans currently fair equally as bad as democrats in the polls. This election is not about republicans or democrats; it is a referendum on the out of control party currently in power that refuses to listen to the majority desires of the American people. It may be fair to assert that they care about what some Americans think; however, they have made it painfully clear they absolutely do not care about what conservative Americans think--a dangerous thing to do given over half of this country still identifies itself with conservative principles. 

The horrible legislation that we will have to endure because of the current failure-of-a-congress and presidential administration is staggering. Just for starters, the health care takeover, Stimulus, Bailouts, Cap and Trade, has crippled American business and will ensure slow economic growth for years to come—possibly indefinitely if not reformed or repealed Their inability to make a decision regarding the Bush tax-cuts has solidified business and consumer apprehension and lack of confidence in the government’s ability to back policy that will actually help revive the market. They have demonstrated a sluggish attitude toward getting people back to work in the private sector by extending unemployment benefits to a point where many people have actually stopped looking for a job—and why not, the federal government is paying them to stay home!  The current party in power has demonstrated they posses an utter apathetic attitude toward national security and a retreatist and defeatist attitude to our mission in Iraq and Afghanistan. They have offered a dangerously low level of support for our only Ally in the Middle East: Israel. They have shown no desire to uphold federal law pertaining to illegal immigration. If debt was one thing they were so concerned about from the Bush administration, then they can just consider themselves an extension of the bush administration--on steroids.

They do not deserve to keep their jobs—we are a weaker and more vulnerable country as long as they are allowed to have Cart Blanche to enact their bad policies. Single party rule is not working. Given the state of the economy, unrelentingly high unemployment, and low consumer confidence, why would anyone be adamant about keeping the current party in power? One of the main benefits that Americans enjoy, over other countries, is that we have traditionally been a country with smaller government, yet bigger individuals. Immigrants come to this country in droves to benefit from this reality. If nothing is done to reverse the path we are currently beset upon, I am convinced authentic America--as it was designed to be from our founding--will become extinct.

I am so fed-up with lawmakers at almost every level—state and federal. I am absolutely of the opinion that, at this point, if an individual has been in politics for ten years or longer, republican, democrat, or independent--they need to go! They have done their time, and they have utterly failed. Being a politician should not be a carrier path, it should be temporary time spent to serve one’s country. The carrier politicians have been busy writing legislation and enacting policy that is totally incongruent with what is best for the prosperity of the country. They need to get out of the way of the breath of fresh air the country so desperately needs. We need new faces, new blood, and new politics in Washington. We need citizens who have worked hard in the private sector, ran businesses, signed paychecks, hired people, created jobs, and actually held leadership positions. Our very own president had never held a leadership position in his life until he was sworn in as our Commander in Chief.

Republicans and democrats have bilaterally failed. If tomorrow we find that the democrats have lost their majority in either the House or the Senate, it will not so much be a victory for republicans as it will be a rejection of the current party in power—a referendum. And if Republicans do not do everything in their power to right the country from its current course of failure, God willing, they will be voted out in 2012 too.

All that is left to do is vote, hope and pray for the true change that is needed bring the county back to excellence and prosperity. Today the country decides what path it will take: the path of large government, wide-spread government dependence, and a lower standard of living, or the path of smaller government, individual prosperity, and traditional American Exceptionalism. Today I will vote. Today I will part of this decision.