Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Authentic America

Authentic American values and beliefs have been under attack for a long time, but never before like they currently are under the new administration. People are angry – and they have reason to be. Anger comes out of a perceived injustice. The Obama administration and the sycophants in the media do not heed or value authentic American beliefs. This is a great injustice for those of us that do. It is my firm belief – and I know I am not alone in believing this– that several of America’s once strong and dependable institutions have drifted into mediocrity and even complete failure. Chiefly among these are The Press and Public Education.
Authentic American beliefs are not portrayed in the media anymore, nor conveyed to our children in public school.
One very authentic American belief is we are all accountable for our actions. One of the destructive consequences of the vile deception of political correctness is that we are all made into victims and genuine accountability is diminished to the point of non-existence. Under the erroneous guise of political correctness, blame is shifted to a disease, a gene, an addiction, an idea, an object, or any number of external forces except the individual who is in fact at fault. Political correctness is greatly aiding in the adulteration of authentic American values because under its reign we can’t come out and objectively appoint blame where blame is due for fear of offending someone or offending their heritage, religion, orientation, etc. etc.
A relevant example that illustrates my point perfectly is the recent Fort Hood massacre. Why hasn’t the Obama administration or the main-stream-media gone on record and called Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan what he truly is: A Muslim-extremist-Jihadist who perpetrated heinous murder of innocent Americans. I have seen him referred to as “the shooter”, “alleged gunman”, even an honorable American who was just misunderstood and harassed. This politically correct deception has slithered its way into our culture and created an illusion of a false sense of entitlement -- a right to not be offended. Candidly speaking, nowhere in the United States Constitution, any of its 27 amendments, the Bill of Rights, or even the Ten Commandments for that matter does is say you have a fundamental right not to be offended. Being offended is part of life. What you do with that feeling, how you act or react to it is what helps define your character. A nasty consequence of political correctness the country has to deal with is a false and sick sense of entitlement that is becoming increasingly prevalent among the populous. Suddenly we are entitled a house, a car, a college education, free health care, etc. etc. In reality, these things cost money, and must be worked for and earned. If we are in fact endowed by our Creator with the unalienable right to pursue happiness, then we should be free to do just that -- Pursue it! The authentic American belief on this issue is that we are entitled to what we work hard to earn. Never has it been an American belief that happiness is an entitlement that is just given.
Furthermore, we are only as accountable as we want to be. This concept, independently, doesn’t have anything to do with authentic American values, it is just a fact. But we live in a society that does not teach accountability in its institutions anymore. No longer are we externally held accountable for our actions. Again, I am speaking largely of the institutions of The Press and Public Education. Although personal accountability may be taught through The Church or at home, The Church is no longer considered a viable institution for growth by the State or media. The Press is quite obviously derelict in its duty to keep government in check by holding it accountable. Furthermore, discipline and accountability are by and large void in Public Education out of fear for being sued by someone who feels they have been offended.
Another Authentic American belief that is slowly but surely being eradicated by our institutions is the notion that we are endowed by a Creator with certain unalienable rights. The reason this concept is becoming extinct is because of a decline in popular media of the belief in God – a fundamental belief from our nations founding. Furthermore, if a teacher presents the notion that there is even the mere chance of intelligent design, they are ostracized, blacklisted, and very often fired. Just watch Ben Steins film Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed for relevant evidence of this.
Once God is removed from the picture, certain rights become relative. Our Constitution was based at our Founding on the notion that we are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights. Rights like life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Representative in the Constitution and its amendments are other intangible rights that are under attack, such as, personal freedom (the first amendment), owning of personal property, and a right to safety (the second amendment).
Once it is believed there is no God, these rights become relative to how another human being perceives them.
I do not intend on using this article to primarily argue theological concepts. I just argue the following point: If you do not believe in God, how can you fundamentally believe in the sanctity of life? If the cosmos and all the amazing intricacies of life were in fact nothing more than a mere anomaly, (the chances of happening are one in over a billion, or mathematically zero by the way), then how can you view life as sacred? If you do not believe in God or a Creator, then you believe that life came out of nothing -- accidentally -- which means it holds no purpose or meaning beyond the superficial. Along with this non-authentic American belief comes the concept that the individual is their own God, accountable to nothing greater than himself.
Let me put this into perspective: With no God, there is no sanctity of life, thus the individual becomes God of himself. Right and wrong become fundamentally blurred and what were once undeniable rights become subject to human interpretation. A perfect example of how this is put into practice is the fact that some people argue it is an individual’s right to choose if a new life deserves to be born or not.
Those of us that believe in authentic America have a task ahead of us. It is the task that we have always had, and a task that should never be taken for granted. Our task is to confidently vocalize our concern, vigilantly stand up for what we believe in, and relentlessly remind our elected officials of what this country stands for. I adamantly believe that authentic American beliefs are still very much alive throughout this country and in the hearts of the majority of Americans. We do not agree with the indoctrination of our children in public school with non-authentic American values. We are tired of being mischaracterized in the media as right-wing nut jobs, redneck idiots, or angry racists who cling to our guns and religion. We are here to demand accountability and ensure the political death of those that oppose!
Those of us that adhere to the authentic American belief system need to unite and make it our mission to do everything within our power, legally, and ethically to make certain that those opposed to authentic American beliefs NEVER be elected into office again.
Who is with me?

Friday, November 6, 2009

The Fort Hood Massacre

My thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the victims of this senseless tragedy, and may the murdered victims rest in peace. Although they met their end not on the battlefield, but on their home soil at the hands of a sick murderer, they died as heroes and shall never be forgotten.
Now I need to vent some genuine anger about how the media is already portraying this act of domestic terrorism. As if this horrifying mass murder wasn’t disturbing enough, I have to get up the next morning and read disgusting reports form the corrupt main stream media that make me want to go throw-up. They are already spinning the story in a sick way by making the mass murderer, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan out to be the real victim here. He is being portrayed as misunderstood. A devout Muslim, apparently he was against the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. He received orders for deployment in Iraq, and took issue with that; even enlisting the aid of a lawyer to fight it. So, clearly, he is the victim here right? Well, I don’t know about you, but I don’t see that there is a whole lot to misunderstand about an individual who voluntarily submits his service to the U.S. military, then decides to walk into a crowded area on base calmly shooting innocent American soldiers and proclaiming "Allahu akbar!"
Personally, being formerly in the Marines Corps, I am having a hard time comprehending how this guy was not shot dead within a few steps after he started unloading on people. I agree that in a school, a mall, a stadium; generally anywhere out in public, it seems more believable that someone may be able to get away with shooting over 40 people. Armed security is more common on a military base than uniformed police are on the civilian streets. Not to mention, if necessary, access to weapons and ammo is readily available at any armory. Anyway, what’s done is done I wont dwell on how this guy wasn’t riddled with bullets within a few moments of his murderous spree. Regardless of the outcome, he had to have thought he was going to his death. Proclaiming “Allahu akbar” indicates he thought he would die for what he was doing. Allahu Akbar is Arabic for “God is great”. Generally speaking, it is accepted among Islamic believers that proclaiming praise to Allah at the time of death is good. Maj. Hasan thought he was righteously going to his death and proclaiming praise to Allah for it.
I also want to point out that whenever something mind-numbingly horrific like this happens the Muslim community fails miserably to publically denounce this type of behavior. You want to know why? Because their fundamental belief system stems from a violent attitude toward infidels! Actually, enslavement of the infidels is preferred, but if you can’t enslave them, then killing them is acceptable. Not only is it acceptable, it is encouraged.
The traditional American value of personal responsibility is completely dead in the media. One no longer has to be accountable for their actions. Blame is shifted to a disease, a gene, an addiction, an idea, an object, or any other number of external forces except the individual who perpetrated the act. The erroneous and destructive concept of political correctness is greatly aiding in the adulteration of authentic American values. We can’t come out and objectively appoint blame where blame is due for fear of offending someone or offending their heritage, religion, orientation, etc. etc. This deception has slithered its way into our culture as a basic right that we all posses, the right to not be offended. To be perfectly candid, nowhere in the United States Constitution, any of its 27 amendments, the Bill of Rights, or even the Ten Commandments for that matter does is say you have a fundamental right not to be offended. If being blamed for something that happened by your own hand or as a direct result of your actions offends you, then too bad. Being offended is part of life. What you do with that feeling, how you act or react to it is what helps define your character. The media of today hastily looks for blame everywhere else except for where blame should be placed -- with the individual. This has a nasty unintended consequence of fostering a false notion that the individual is actually a victim, and is not to be held accountable. For the families of the murdered at Fort Hood I hope Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan lives. I hope he lives so that the families of the true victims can see justice served upon him.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Commander in Chief or Commander in Least?

I was fortunate enough to have this article published in American Thinker on November 2nd, 2009. To view the article originally published on American Thinker, click here: http://www.americanthinker.com/2009/11/commander_in_chief_or_commande.html, and enjoy!

As a Marine, Operation Iraqi Freedom veteran, and Honorably Discharged Sergeant, I know a thing or two about mission accomplishment versus troop welfare. As a matter of fact, any Marine can tell you the clearly stated objective of the Marine Corps is mission accomplishment. Troop welfare comes secondary.

Commanders and military leaders learned long ago that success on any battlefront depends chiefly upon mission accomplishment. Troop welfare, while important, does not trump mission accomplishment. For the enlisted Marine on the ground, this is sometimes a hard pill to swallow. But we understand. And actually, this is one of the reasons why the Marine Corps is one of the finest and most effective fighting forces in the world.

Our current Commander in Chief (who never served in the military) has not demonstrated that he comprehends the concept of mission accomplishment before troop welfare. Disappointingly, President Obama has not demonstrated that he comprehends the concept of mission accomplishment at all. We have no clear mission in Afghanistan. We have no concise finalization strategy for Iraq. The President has yet to establish just what we are supposed to be doing in either of these theaters.

Furthermore, the President seems to be thwarting any forward momentum with regard to mission accomplishment by manifesting an attitude that troop welfare is paramount. Obama has also hastily portrayed an apologetic attitude for American strength. This destructive attitude breeds not only optimism in our enemies, but despair in those in uniform who are genuinely proud to serve the country they love.

Not only that, the President is arguing with the very commander he appointed to do what needs to be done. Consequently, Obama's indecisiveness, or "dithering" as Cheney put it, is costing American lives and wasting precious time needed to gain momentum toward mission accomplishment -- for whatever the mission may be.

For someone who neither served in the military nor had any executive leadership experience prior to the presidency, Obama has yet to do anything to assuage the collective apprehensions from those of us who feel he is too green for the job of Commander in Chief. The presidency is not the place for on-the-job training, especially in a time of war. Although Obama has probably learned a lot in his first nine months in office, he has not asserted to Americans or our enemies that the new administration has any idea how to handle a war, let alone two.

To the 30% out there who are lie-down Obama supporters no matter what, and to the sycophants in the media who exalt every aspect of his presidency, I would ask one very serious question: Why? As responsible American citizens, we are supposed to be questioning our leaders, demanding accountability, and settling for nothing less than what our Constitution was ratified for: freedom, liberty, and a limited government with checks and balances.

Hypocritically, it seems, some apply this standard only when a Republican is in office, and I fear that their lack of vigilant citizenship is just as damaging to the country as the Obama administration is proving to be. Given nine months' continually compiling evidence pointing to the administration's dangerous incompetence; its clear anti-American actions and attitudes; and the vast, almost un-countable contradictions that spew forth from Obama's own mouth, why...why do you blindly believe and support such insults to your own intelligence and patriotism?

Among other things, I would highly recommend to our rookie President that he catch up on some history. For starters, he could read up on the first term of a fellow Democrat, Lyndon B. Johnson. Johnson had great domestic aspirations with the Great Society, Medicare, and civil rights, but was hampered by a little-known nuisance at the time in Southeast Asia. Although President Kennedy initially involved the U.S. in Vietnam, it was Johnson and his advisers who ultimately bungled and exacerbated the conflict to an irrevocable boiling point. At very high cost with little gain, the Vietnam Conflict, generally speaking, serves as a warning to future generations of what can happen when politicians mismanage a war.

For cathartic reasons, I have outlined a plea that I so ardently wish for the President to fundamentally believe, hold in his heart, and take action to uphold:

The United States military is the best in the world. We have the best warriors, equipment, weapons, training, leaders, and intelligence resources. Combine that with the highest esprit de corps and morale from an all-volunteer force, and you have the finest military the world has ever known. For every person who holds contempt in his heart for America, there are a thousand others in our debt because of the security we provide, and a thousand more who would give up everything they have -- even risk death -- just to live here.

Mr. President, if you are not proud of this land, then how can you possibly believe that you are what is best for America right now? And if you want to get out of Iraq and Afghanistan, then make that your mission, and just get out! If not, then be the leader our nation needs in this desperate hour...and lead.

In the meantime, our sons, daughters, grandsons, granddaughters, husbands, wives, brothers, and sisters lives are held in the balance while you throw parties at the White House, attend fundraisers, and refine your chip-shot. Need I even mention the time and money already wasted while you demonstrate your incompetence and display to the rest of the world how weak and indecisive America has become under your administration? Our strong military is not something to be ashamed of, not something to apologize for. American strength is something to be proud of, not embarrassed about. We are one Nation under God, not one Nation under the Opinion of a Few.

Although history has a nasty way of repeating itself, it also has a cleansing way of balancing itself out. Conservatism, common sense, traditional Christian values, and the grand old unique-to-America fighting spirit are in the midst of a great reawakening. As destructive as the Obama administration may ultimately prove to be, responsible citizens will not allow its deception to prevail. We may be giving way to one of our finest hours. Ultimately, it will be our children and grandchildren who will either reap the benefits of our fight or drown in the wake of our apathy.

I have a vision for my grandchildren. Someday, before I die, I would want them to be able to thank me and my generation for fighting back when our country needed us the most, for confronting tyranny, exposing and debunking the deception of Socialism, standing up for our constitutional rights, and proudly proclaiming, "Don't Tread on Me!"

Friday, October 23, 2009

Think We Are Free? Think Again.

I generally try to find the time to read Americanthinker.com daily. An article on 10/22 by Jan LaRue titled: Obama Manipulates Media to Expel Fox brings home a very good example of just how much Obama lies. The more and more I see contradicting statements surface from Obama the more I can’t help but think, one: He actually has no clue of the things he has said in the past, or two: He is too arrogant to give a crap. I tend to agree with the later more. Obama is the ultimate example of someone who tirelessly speaks in the moment; which, in and of itself is not necessarily a bad thing for a public figure. However, Obama speaks as if whatever he has to say, about every issue, at whatever point in time he says it is pure Gold. Glaring contradictions that surface later be damned! A whole book can be devoted to his contradictions, and actually, my prediction is we will see the first one in print by next year if this administration hasn’t started book burning by then…
In her article Jan points out the following:
In honor of World Press Day, Obama said the following on May 1st of this year:
“Today, I lend my voice of support and admiration to all those brave men and women of the press who labor to expose truth and enhance accountability around the world. In so doing, I recall the words of Thomas Jefferson: "The basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter."

I guess all that lip service about “support and admiration” for members of the press who “expose truth and enhance accountability” was only meant for the networks that trip over themselves just to kneel before him and kiss his hand. Obama and his administration have made it clear that they do not revere Fox News as a genuine member of “the press”. I’m not trying to raise any panic alarms here, but seriously: WAKE THE HELL UP PEOPLE! They are not even trying to hide it. We are clearly experiencing an indictment on the United States Constitution and our First Amendment Rights stemming from the highest branch in government. I’m not stupid; I get the whole Party-Line political song and dance that dictates you try to belittle and discredit those that oppose you. But Fox news is merely doing its job. The Press is supposed to ask the hard questions, point out the hypocrisies, and take Big Government to task on issues where it seems to overstep its boundaries. Apparently, if you question anything coming from this administration, you are ostracized, scoffed at, and declared unfit to be listened to. America: We are being lulled to sleep by a President, White House, and corrupt-main-stream media that wants us to get in line or shut up, and when enough of us wake up and try to shake the yolk of tyranny off, we are going to wonder where our Liberty went.
Once again, I direct your attention to the glaring and unmistakable hypocrisy and double-standard stench reeking from the Left. If Dub-yuh had his administration declare war on CBS, or NBC, or any other of those liberal-rag networks that constantly barraged him with disdain, what do you think the out-come would be? They would crucify him! His head would be on a platter before all to see, and I wouldn’t be surprised to hear talk of impeachment.

Friday, October 9, 2009

This Just in...

Obama just received another Nobel Prize! Yes, two in one day! The only person in history to accomplish such a prestigious feat! He was just awarded a 2nd Nobel prize for his grand efforts in creating, cultivating, and distributing massive amounts of his own brand of industrial grade fertilizer to the people of America, and of the world over. Congratulations Mr. President!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Officer Does Not Like anti-Obama Poster:

If this isn’t eerie insight as to where the country is headed, I don’t know what is. A police officer at a peaceful, non-violent Town Hall Meeting protest is attempting to force a protestor to remove his sign. I don’t know if there are any city ordenences prohibiting this behavior; however, it appears this cop just didn’t like the protestors sign. So, peaceful, non-violent protest is conditional to party line allegiance now? Is an American citizen only allowed to protest as long as it does not question or confront Obama, or his current administration? The larger concept here is that this administration is polarizing people like never before, but it seems any opposition is being ostracized and diminished by the blind supporters. You should be outraged, and if your not, you are just another sheep being led to the slaughter. BLIND!.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Copenhagen: The Ego Has Landed

I have to say it: I chuckled fairly hardily at the onset of the 2016 Olympics going to Rio de Janeiro. Chicago didn’t even make it past the first round. In fact, Chicago received so few votes we can even say that Obama’s presents before Olympic committee members wasn’t necessary at all. Poor Obama, I hope they didn’t hurt his widdle feewings…The International Olympic Committee basically was like: “Oh, ya, and Obama, don’t let the door hit you on the way out big guy! And take Oprah with you, we don’t like the way she is constantly eyeing the snack bar…”
A certain word just keeps popping up in my head: KARMA. Our wonderful, all knowing, all saving, all promising, Supreme Leader has done nothing but trash America in front all the nations of the world since he took office. In a hasty and ill prepared act, the White House packed up and flew down to Copenhagen to lobby for the Olympic Games to be held in Chicago. Really? Obama doesn’t even fundamentally believe in American strength or authentic American values. He believes that we are a problem in the world.
So let me get this right, once again, my brain is having difficulty processing the hypocrisy and B.S. flowing from this administration. Obama parades around the world at various summit meetings and UN conferences, apologizes for America, yucks it up with tyrannical dictators, gives the finger to our allies in the middle east, goes on and on about how detrimental for the environment we are and how evil our capitalist economy is, etc, etc. But wait, wait, wait! Put the breaks on! America is good enough to be the international stage for the 2016 Olympics? In Barry’s home town of Chicago no less! Need I even go into detail about how blatantly contradictory this is? This whole situation reeks of political pacification and quid pro quo. Corrupt Chicago-style politics and community organizers (ACORN anybody?) did their damndest to help Obama get elected, now its time for him to pay back on the favor.
Let’s put this situation into perspective for a moment because the corrupt, Lame Stream Media fails miserably in objectively delivering the truth. There is a very real war going on that we are supposed to be attempting to win in Afghanistan, yet Obama has talked to the commander on the ground once in over two months. 263,000 more jobs were lost in September, unemployment is at 9.8% -- highest since 1983, yet Biden and the Obama administration in all their economic genius have been claiming victory over the recession. Iran is testing long-range missiles and apparently has nuke capability, and the crazy dictator nut-job Mahmoud Ahmadinejad even said that Obama’s speech at the UN vindicated his stance toward Israel.
Although all you out there still suffering from Bush Derangement Syndrome (including Obama apparently) do nothing but blame Bush for all of the nations foreign and domestic troubles, that insipid crap just isn’t going to work anymore. This whole Olympic issue is about priorities. We have a president that is clearly obsessed with two things: Himself, and how he is portrayed in the media. I remember during the campaign one of the most frustrating things about Obama was how he would refer to EVERY issue as his “number one issue”, or “one of my TOP priorities”. It seemed after listening to his debates that the man had two dozen “number one priorities”. Well, I wish we had a president that had some pro-American priorities. I wish we had a president that wasn’t completely consumed with HIS image and celebrity status. Did he really think he could just sweep through Copenhagen with Michelle and Oprah while his country was in crisis, float a few fluffy lines about hope and change, and they would welcome him with open arms? That they would cater to his every move like the brainwashed media back home? The international community has seen how Americas own president doesn’t even like America that much and yet has a very odd, unrealistic view that he will be the mechanism of change by “talking” people into liking us.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Cash For Clunkers From Suckers

Last month Americans For Tax Reform released a break-down of the recent Car Allowance Rebate Program, or “Cash for Clunkers”. Although their release on September 8th didn’t quite have all the math correct, the report still shows that if you are floating in a fantasy world that says: "more government and more government spending is the solution to all our problems", you need to wake up one of these days and comprehend that government does not create anything in and of itself. Government just spends your money, and when it needs more, government raises your taxes and damages the economy by devaluing our dollar by injecting more into the stream by printing more.
I know how people use numbers to further their ideological cause. People do it all the time. Politicians especially love to use numbers to help bring the illusion of validity to their causes. You have to be very careful taking for face value any numbers that are just dropped in front of you. Any Statistician will tell you numbers never lie; it is just how they are presented that can be deceitful. This is not deceitful. This is as straight forward as it gets.

Here is the correct breakdown of how the Government just blew three billion ($3,000,000,000) of our tax dollars to save about $717 million:

The average mileage a persons puts on their vehicle per year is 12,000 miles. The average “clunker” trade was for a vehicle that got 16mpg to a vehicle that got 25mpg. (Actually it was more like 15.8 to 24.9, but we will round to keep this nice and fifth-grade-like)
• Driving a 16mpg vehicle uses 750 gallons of gas per year (12,000/16 = 750)
• Driving a 25mpg vehicle consumes 480 gallons of gas per year (12,000/25 = 480)
• This equals an average of 270 less gallons consumed per year for each person. (750 – 480 = 270)
• 690,114 vehicles were used for this program equaling a total savings of 186,330,780 million gallons of gas per year. (690,114 x 270)
So far so good, right?

Here is the second part:
1 barrel of oil is $75 (right now anyway) and contains 42 gallons of crude oil.
1 barrel of oil will produce an average of 19.5 gallons of motor gasoline.
• 186,330,780 gallons saved divided by 19.5 gallons of gas from 1 barrel of oil, equals about 9.56 million barrels of oil.
• 9.56 million barrels at $75/barrel is about $717 million.
So, the government did in fact spend three billion ($3,000,000,000) of our tax dollars to maybe save about 717 million. This is no joke. There really are people out there that put their faith and trust in the government to do what is right with our money without ever thinking twice or questioning them. Sheep to the slaughter I say! And you want to give them Health Care, 17% of our entire economy?

Decide for yourself. Was this a fiscally sound program aimed at stimulating the economy? Or was this just another stunt by a far left administration with no sense of fiscal responsibility to force the country into aligning itself with a political or ideological notion? Let me ask you: Where do you think the $3500 or $4500 was going to come from if you qualified for this program? Money trees on Capitol Hill? Well, practically! We are the money trees! Every time (all 690+ thousand times) the government said “You want a new car? Here’s a bag of money!” they dug into our pockets. We are the suckers...
You’re welcome…

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The White House of Cards

I was thinking about a good title for a book I want to write about the current phenomenon in the White House. I settled on “The Un-presidential President”. Then I came across an article by Richard Cohen in the Washington Post dated 09/29/2009: "Time to Act Like the President" that hits this nail on the head. http://www.washingtonpost.com/
Sums up a lot of what needs to get through to most folks since the Lame Stream Media won’t ask hard questions and does nothing but message our Presidents ego with praise, admiration, and puff pieces for his every move.
Let me ask you this: Given all that is going on right now, not only domestically but on the global scene, what do you think the media would be saying about Bush if he went to Copenhagen to lobby for the 2016 Olympics to be in Chicago? They would be blasting him for being completely ignorant, incompetent, and derelict in his duty as President, wasting taxpayer dollars on something so frivolous, and giving in to political pressure from his cronies. Am I right, or am I right?
I have said it from the start. Obama couldn’t have a weaker resume for the job of Commander in Chief; and 9 months in, he has done nothing to assuage the apprehensions many have about how green he really is – how dangerous he really is for the country on several different levels. You can’t run a country on “Hope and Change”. One needs reality and fact, coupled with experience and judgment. The last person on the planet who should have a “Yes We Can”, appeasement-type-attitude on foreign policy is the President of the United States. You cant associate yourself with known domestic terrorists, racists, and FAR left radicals, achieve the highest elected position in the world, and have the audacity (to use his own word) to feed the American People a bunch of BS about bi-partisanship, calculated judgment and transparency. Those of us “clinging to our guns and religion” aren’t as stupid as you think we are. And our enemies (and allies for that matter) are currently laughing at us.

If the job requirements for President of the United States went something like this:
• Experience reading well from a teleprompter.
• Can perpetually campaign for the position of President, even LONG after position is granted.
• Will unfailingly blame and bring discredit upon the previous administration.
• Get involved from a national platform on domestic issues completely irrelevant to the Presidency, but from a global platform chastise and apologize for your own country.
• Has the ability to keenly dodge every controversial issue with such grace as “I didn’t know” or, “it wasn’t me”, or “I didn’t call for that…”.

Well, then I’d say we have the right guy for the job.

You like movies? I do too. Here is an assessment we can all relate to:
Obama is like a child that wanders into the middle of a movie, has no idea what is going on but insists on telling you what the movie is, how it ends, and proceeds to go over plot points with critics. Furthermore, to add insult to injury, instead of actually sitting down, listening, or asking what is happening to better understand the substance of the movie, he starts getting as much face time with the critics as possible to talk about a movie he knows nothing about.
Although the 2008 election didn’t really have ANY candidates to choose from with wowing credentials, I, like many others, didn’t so much vote “yes” for McCain as I voted an “absolutely not!” for Obama.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Zero of the Week: Kanye "Can't Allow a 17 Year Old White Girl to Win" West

I want you to do something. Google “Kanye West is a douche” and just see what happens. Or open your face book and search for the same thing and see how many groups are populated. With that being said I could end this blog right here, but there is too much fun to be had at this dudes expense.
Kanye West, the self proclaimed “voice of our generation” jumped onstage at the MTV Music Video Awards, took the mic from Taylor Swift during her acceptance speech for Best Female Video and started blathering about how Beyonce deserved the award because her video is one of the best of all time.
Thank you, Kanye -- voice of my generation -- for showing such grace, poise and acumen during the MTV Video Awards Show. Your awesome display of sound judgment will go down in history as a shining example for all to come of how to conduct yourself during someone else’s moment of glory. We are utterly bedazzled by your immense wisdom and sense of prudence.
Ok, enough with the sarcasm.
Has anyone else had enough of this racist, brain-less idiot? That’s right, I said it. I called a black man racist. **gasp!!!*** Oh my God! Say it aint so! Remember: This mans ignorant nincompoopery has made him say such things as “George Bush doesn’t care about black people.”, “I realize that my place and position in history is that I will go down as the voice of this generation…”, “The Bible had 20, 30, 40, 50 characters in it. You don’t think that I would be one of the characters of today’s modern Bible?” Ok Kanye, whatever you say dude…
Let this serve as an example of what a no-class, little-talent narcissist with a lot of money and WAAAAYYYY TOO MUCH EGO is capable of. Anyway, I do want to thank you though Kanye. You are an entertainer, and although I don’t really get into your music much, you have thoroughly entertained me and I believe that you will undoubtedly entertain me again in the future. Thanks for the laughs!

Hero of the Week: Congressman Joe Wilson

Congressman Joe Wilson did something truly amazing when he called out “YOU LIE!” during Obama’s Health Care speech during a joint session last Wednesday. He took the attention off of “The One” for a moment and shined an undeniable light on the TRUTH. With just two words, he got down to the brass tacks of the ISSUE at hand. He voiced in front of the President, Congress, and America what millions of Americans already know and have been trying to convey in Town Hall meetings of late. Thank you Congressman Wilson for publically bringing attention to the fact that this giant, sugar-coated, silver-plated health care reform bill is nothing more that a destructive mass of political manure. The only thing Congressman Wilson should apologize for is a breach in House decorum; period. Oh, wait a minute; he did just that! Right after the speech no less! He knows you can’t just shout stuff out in the House Chambers during a joint session with the President. He also apologized to the President at the White House and guess what, the President and Vice President accepted the apology. So why can’t the media and House Democrats drop the issue already? Hypocrisy! Plain and simple.

Here’s the real kicker that the media is trying to side step with its belittlement of Wilson: He was right! He spoke the truth, albeit in an inappropriate manner, but he was proven to be right. The White House came out with added provisions to the bill with regard to illegal aliens receiving health care coverage after Wilson’s outburst. Wilson had read the bill, served on the ways and means committee, and he couldn’t contain himself when the President misrepresented facts. It was a lot easier to shout “you lie!” than to try and blurt out: “Mr. President, you are misstating the facts!” Give me a break already… In all actuality, I find it refreshing to see that there is someone out there in Congress that is not gobbling up all the crap that Obama is force feeding us. Congressman Wilson brought the collective American disappointed voice into the House Chambers, and I don’t care if he breached protocol, he said what needed to be said. Should he ever apologize for actually saying “you lie” then it should be completely predicated on Nancy Pelosi apologizing for accusing the CIA of lying, Harry Reid, Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, (the Bush-hating democrats list goes on and on) apologizing for constantly smearing Bush and claiming he lied.
The fact that House Democrats want to get all sanctimonious and authoritarian on this guy just makes me want to puke. It should make you want to puke too! I don’t even care if you are a Democrat, this double-standard, hypocritical, duplicitous B.S. that comes from the left is undeniable and nauseating to say the least. You absolutely cannot deny the hypocrisy from the Democrats no matter what your political frame of mind is. Democrats routinely besmirched, smeared, and spoke ill of Bush or the Republican Party in general. Many were condescending -- said he lied among other things -- the media and celebrities ran wild with Bush-hate, and did any of those self righteous wind-bags apologize? HELL NO! It would be unconscionable for them to apologize to somebody they despised right? In his speech, Obama called every opposer to his plan (Republicans?) basically crazy for not believing his way is the only way.
Well, I salute you Congressman Wilson, and may you continue to fight the good fight. You spoke for millions of Americans who are sick and tired of being lied to and then ostracized by the incompetent corrupt media for actually doing the American thing and speaking out. We need more of our elected officials in Washington to speak out against lies and corruption.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Tim Hawkins - The Government Can

I Pledge to Expose Crap Like This for What it is: CRAP.

Get a puke bag ready...
Consider yourself warned.

Have you seen this self-gratifying display of celebrity-pompery from Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore? It came out a while ago, and has predictably fizzled in the wake of Obama’s plummeting approval ratings.
A couple of serious points before I have some fun with this:
First and foremost, an American citizen does not pledge servitude to any one man, woman or elected official. It is actually supposed to be the other way around. The President has pledged his service to us. We already have a pledge, and as I recall, we pledge allegiance to the Flag and the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands. Barrack Obama does not, nor has he ever represented what our Republic is really supposed to be. He represents Socialism, plain and simple. To deny it is to admit you have no clue what Socialism is or what the hell is going on around you. Furthermore, Obama manifests a Totalitarianistic approach in his politics. However, Americans are supposed to question our elected officials and hold them responsible. If they over-use their power WE THE PEOPLE are supposed to be the ones challenging them. Not pledging servitude to them. Our Constitution is very clear on this point. Citizens are not to be servants of the President!
The modern celebrities’ sense of self-importance is completely nauseating. And I contend that the majority of you out there – you know, the average American citizen -- agree with me.
Go ahead and check out the video if you haven’t agonized through it already.

I know; what a bunch of blathering puke, huh? These people want to all of a sudden appear patriotic when it best serves them? The Democrats are in the White House so its time to come out and pledge servitude to “The One”?

Well, I have a couple of pledges for you:
I pledge to make fun of these people whenever possible.
I pledge not to believe in any of this crap.
I pledge to do my duty as a responsible American citizen and hold politicians who abuse their power accountable.
I pledge to call half-wit celebrities who use their money and fame to push a political agenda what they truly are: Not citizens, but serfs. Fabrications of the Medias propaganda, living in a total fantasy world far removed from the average American.

“I pledge to get rid of my obnoxious car and get a hybrid” – Are you effing kidding me!? Give me a break, these people get into the back of Limos most of the time. See! It’s this kind of ridiculous, pompous, self gratifying crap that is obnoxious and deserves ostracism or at best, ridicule. Anytime I see these people spew their arrogant elitist bile to the masses I just want to put a marquee over their head that reads:

“Look at me; I am a self-important, ego messaging over-paid windbag who wouldn’t know True Patriotism if it slapped me in the face. I believe my money and celebrity status keeps me safe, not the men and women who fight and die so that I can continue to further my right of freedom of speech and publically make a complete ass of myself.”

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Congressional B.O: Aristocratic Elitism

So there is a stink starting to drift through the air that the average American can no longer deny; an aristocratic stink coming from our elected public officials. Their true colors are clearly bleeding though and the stench is wafting through the air. Enough to the point where the average (or lowly in their view) American who hasnt paid much attention to politics before cant help but notice the elitism and arrogance permeating from our elected public officials. That’s right: ELECTED PUBLIC OFFICIALS. I will continue to refer to them as what they are. I think they have forgotten that they work for us. They do not rule over us. We are not their subjects. This is a point made very clear in the Constitution, and a very important ingredient that has helped to make this country so great for so long. But our countries greatness is waning. The value of our currency – the once “Almighty Dollar”— is failing. And politicians are seemingly doing whatever they want instead the will of the people.
Just look at the arrogant, elitism coming from members of Congress in the Town Hall Meetings. Sheer aristocratic patronization of the very people they are supposed to be serving. For a shining example look to Congressman Barney Frank of MA: A woman called out Barney Frank for supporting Nazi policy at Franks meeting in Dartmouth MA and he just dismissed her as a right-wing nut job asking her “…on which planet do spend most of your time?” He went on to say, "Trying to have a conversation with you would be like arguing with a dining room table." Ya. Real classy Frank. Oh, and by the way, when that woman asked why you are supporting policy that the Nazis had she was being genuine and actually deserved an objective answer instead of the juvenile dismissal you gave her. The National Socialist Party of Hitler (the Nazis) took over the banks, auto industry, and health care. Much like what we are witnessing from our current administration. So really, Congressman Frank, I pose the question to you sir: On what planet do YOU think you are spending most of your time? Because on this planet Nazi policy and fascism was a very real manifestation of “change” that brought forth mass destruction for millions of people. Over 600 thousand of our own troops died to eradicate its oppression. But I guess to you talking about that is about as useless as talking to a dining room table, right?

Monday, July 13, 2009

Here a Czar, There a Czar, Everywhere a Czar, Czar

33 Czars and Counting.

If you have been apathetic about the current administrations destructive behavior thus far you might want to open your eyes sometime soon. Obama has appointed over 30 people to fabricated, made-up positions of executive authority. WAKE UP AMERICA! This pompous, power-hungry President has bestowed executive clout to over 30 people. They answer to NO ONE but the President. They are non-elected officials with total impunity from congress. Most of their positions are already covered by Cabinet Secretaries, not to mention parallel positions in the States so they create a lot of overlap and waste. They do not undergo Senate Confirmation Hearings, they are purely appointed by Obama. They have total executive backing, support, and reign for the positions which they hold, yet, we the people – the American voters, have absolutely no say in the matter. Furthermore, we have no idea who these people actually are or how their credentials make them qualified for a presidential appointment to an executive position with zero accountability. We can already logically deduce what kind of ideological frame of mind these people hail from politically. They were hand picked by the most left leaning President in history. This country is in desperate need of some checks and balances.
I really don’t think this would be worth writing about if it were not for the sheer number of these appointees. That, and how anonymous and seemingly unaccountable they get to be. I know those of you Statists reading this are already teeming with some liberal-drivel counter points. Hold on, don’t get your pinko-panties in a bunch just yet, I’m not through developing my case. Besides, you guys will run to Obama’s defense EVERY TIME regardless of the issue simply because your own pride or ignorance won’t allow you to admit you helped vote in this current mistake.
Look at the incredibly high number of Czars Obama has appointed and the speed at which he is turning them out. It’s more bureaucracy, which means more over-paid, marginally qualified, government do-nothings, who speak in lofty politically correct fluff, accomplish little, and cost you and I big bucks. Now I know the whole ‘Czar’ thing is nothing new in Washington. You lefties who will defend Obama to your very death are saying “He’s the President, big deal, he gets to pick who works with him, every President does.” I’m not so easily duped. This is a sly way to govern without being held accountable to congress. And it’s not like he has only appointed a few. At this rate we will have over three dozen of these guys by the end of the year. Intelligence and logic dictate that one needs to be asking the question “Why?” Why do we need to be giving control of so much to so many of these people we know nothing about? Liberal-drivel counter point: “I don’t see you complaining about Bush’s Czars!” Response: Ya. He only had four! FOUR! Do some research, Regan appointed one. Bush 41 only had one. Even Clinton only had three. Come on! I’m no super genius, but I am smart enough to notice that we are on a run-away ship with an out of control government at the helm. And you better get your concerns voiced now. At this rate, we are going to have an “Objection Pacification Czar” by this time next year. I am not joking.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Uncle Sam and the Canned Sham of a Security Plan

Uncle Sam has been in the ring with terrorism for a long time now. Granted he has taken his hits; even went down for a few seconds after the hit he took in 2001. But he came back stronger in the next round. He came back swinging. Up until now he has been doing a pretty damn good job of keeping his guard up and swinging strong. Up until now he hasn’t given terrorism a chance to deal another stinging blow. Up until now he has had sound coaching from mentors that want to see him stay safe, and ultimately, win the fight. Up until now…
For the last eight years we have had our guard up against those that would seek to destroy us. For the last eight years we have been actively fighting those that want to kill us. We have been routing out, capturing, killing, or bringing to justice those that conceive plans to bring the U.S. to her knees.
For the last eight years we have benefited from an administration that manifested a genuine interest in our Nation’s security. *Wait.* I am getting ahead of myself. Allow me to interject my disclaimer for those of you who are already feeling the bile of The Bush Derangement Syndrome dying to spew out of you: I do not care about what the myopic mush brains have to say about their nit-witted Bush Conspiracy Theories, “blood for oil”, or all that other insipid, useless, over-killed-in-the-Liberal-Media garbage! Here is MY opinionated bias on that matter: Put down your bong long enough to rub the crap out of your eyes, pull your head out of your rear, and actually look at what is going on around you.

In less than 6 months, as a country, we have gone from being proactive in keeping ourselves terrorist-attack-free to completely putting our guard down and leaving ourselves open to destruction.
Here are some of the things our current administration is doing for National Security:
• Giving terrorists Miranda Rights.
• Releasing terrorists incarcerated outside of the country to inside the country.
• Informing the terrorists of exactly what our interrogation methods are.
• Eliminating what weak interrogation methods we actually had.

Giving Miranda Rights to terrorists:
Under the current administration, (who by the way are living in a total fantasy world, with happy little gnomes, rainbow water-falls, and unicorn filled gum-drop pastures) terrorists that would like nothing more than for you and your family to burn and die now have Miranda Rights. That is correct. And you know what the first Miranda Right is? A little something called “The right to remain SILENT”. Well that’s just awesome. Not only does a captured terrorist not want to divulge any plots of destruction in the first place, he is totally encouraged to keep his mouth shut by having the RIGHT to stay quiet. Oh, and by the way, Mr. I-Want-All-Americans-to-Burn-in-Hell, here is an attorney, complements of the American taxpayer! Did you know that under the Geneva Convention enemy combatants dressed in civilian clothes can be instantly executed? No reading of rights, no saying “Hey terrorist, it’s in your best interest to keep you mouth shut, oh, and if you don’t have a lawyer, we’ll get one for ya!” So, in a time of war, National Security on the line, innocent civilians and American troops dying, we are giving rights to the very people that want to destroy us. How backwards is that? But, what do you expect from an administration that axed the use of the terms "Enemy Combatant" and “Gobal War on Terror” and invented the meaningless politically correct mush of "Overseas Contingency Operation."

Releasing terrorists incarcerated outside of the country to inside the country:
I don’t know why we just don’t come out and say it:
“Give me your tired, your poor, your deranged masses of religious zealots yearning to destroy all those that breathe free air.”
Seriously! Somebody explain to me in an intelligent manner what the strategic and tactical benefits of releasing dangerous terrorists into the lower 48 States are? Hmmm, kind of stumped aren’t you. You know why? Because there aren’t any intelligent reasons! This was nothing more than a campaign promise Obama made. He didn’t actually have any kind of plan in mind; he was just saying crap to get a few votes! And now that he got elected, he has to follow through. This campaign promise wasn’t vague and elusive like “hope” and “change”. This one actually had a tangible consequence. Even if these terrorists were transferred to some maximum security penitentiary in the US, it’s still the fact that it is IN the US that is the security risk. These guys are currently incarcerated 400 miles away from the US border. How does moving them any closer, let alone in our back yard make Americans any safer?

And guess what? This is only the beginning. We have three and a half more years of this blind, pompous, naïve, nut-less administration.
In early 2002 research indicated that the terrorist attacks of September 11th 2001 took five years to plan. What do you think the Jihadists have been planning lately? What are they planning for three to four years down the road? Do you really have the confidence in our current administration to keep us safe? What kind of fuel has Obama already given them? He parades around the world apologizing for us. I for one yearn for an American President. One who has a proud heart for this land, the people, and will stand up for this country. One who is not afraid to draw a line in the sand, say “enough is enough”, and do what is right for America instead of doing what is politically correct, absorbing all the ego messaging from the pathetic sycophants in the main stream media.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Letter to the President

A letter to the President is in order these days. Any American concerned with National Security, their future, children’s future, financial wellbeing or ability to realize the American Dream should be making a concerted effort to scrutinize what the current administration is doing, what they plan on doing, and what it means for you as an average American consumer. Mass media engines are not running on all cylinders. That is to say they only convey one side of the story. The side that is bent on a liberal, left leaning frame of mind. I wrote the succeeding letter in an effort to compile and condense an overabundance of concern for where the new administration is taking the country. There have been many similar letters to the President circulating around since inauguration. My favorite is the one Lou Pritchett wrote in May. Check it out: http://www.snopes.com/politics/soapbox/youscareme.asp

Here is mine:


Mr. President,
You campaigned on the notion that you would bring change to Washington, starting with ending partisanship and providing utter transparency and calculated judgment concerning legislation. Well, either you blatantly lied to the country or you have utterly failed in that endeavor, or both. Your Stimulus bill and deficit budget are nothing more than the largest purely partisan spending debacles in our nation’s history. You and your administration have doubled our debt and greatly aided in rendering the American dollar valueless in just the first few weeks of your Presidency. You forced this, without the bi-partisan effort you so eloquently sold voters on just months before, and without any display of transparency or calculated judgment. Aside from three republican turncoats whom you bought off, not a single republican in Washington believes your stimulus bill and monumental deficit budget is the answer for America right now.

Nobody believes that standing idly by is the answer, and both Congress and America know that time is of the essence regarding repairing our economy. But you sir have shown the country your true colors by completely disregarding the thoughts, ideas, concerns, and suggestions from everybody that is not on the far left of every issue. You and your far left puppets Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reed have done nothing to hear and combine the republican voice in Washington; the republican voice that is sent to Washington by the people to speak for the people. In essence Mr. President, you have directly given the finger to the American people whom do not believe your spending bill and deficit budget are what is best for America right now. Figuratively, you have strangled and thwarted half of the American voice in the name “Change”. Your administration has already spent and budgeted more money than the country could ever hope to collect. When you accrue a debt that you cannot possibly repay it is called bankruptcy Mr. President. It is my belief, and the belief of millions of others, that you touring around the country effectively still campaigning is just a front to distract the distractible from what you have really done. And that is: Hand us and our children a bankrupt and weaker nation. All in just the first 100 days of your presidency.
Not only have you arrogantly attempted to snuff out the voice of non-left America, you proceed to parade around the country and world like a self absorbed celebrity promoting a new movie while the media caters to your every move. America does not need another American Idol, Media Kingpin, or power-drunk egocentric celebrity Mr. President. America needs you and congress to ensure our financial future. Americans need more money in their wallets. Spending by citizens stimulates the economy. Free enterprise through the private sector, and tax cuts and incentives for businesses stimulate the economy. Printing more money, out of control government deficit spending, and “spreading the wealth around” from earners to non-earners does nothing to stimulate the economy. You and your administrations dyslectic, leftist frame of mind believe in fiscal practices that history has proven to be failures. Americans need to be able to take more money home from their paychecks. Americans need you to deliver some tangible “hope” and “winds of change” you duped half the nation with rather than the fart in the countries face you have left us with thus far. Hope: That they will be able to have faith in their elected government to do what is right for America rather than inflating programs and expenditures of what a leftist, purely partisan ideology dictates. Change: In Washington from what your leftist counterparts have referred to as “a culture of corruption.”
The TEA parties on April 15th were not just for what the media would like to label as radical right-wing nut jobs. They were for anyone concerned about our current far left administration bankrupting America. Anyone concerned about our countries future in the hands of an administration clearly bent on a far left ideological path with little to no bi-partisanship or checks and balances coupled with an obvious liberal media giving them a complete pass. If the anti American, liberal-rag media got their way they would have the majority of the nation believing that conservatives are nothing more than red neck, radical, half-wit, racists. But thank God for the TRUTH. The TRUTH is: We are concerned citizens, who love our country, have a healthy respect for what our forefathers intended for this great nation, and we vote! With our own government (Department of Homeland Security) labeling conservatives as terrorists, we can’t afford to be lackadaisical in our principles or apathetic with what your far left administration and media are inundating us with.
There is no question; the majority of main stream media has a clear and very obvious liberal frame of mind, and likewise, is in love with you and your administration, giving you the cover you need to force your far left agenda upon America as quickly as you can without being questioned.
I urge you to remember Mr. President; half of the country was not blindly deceived by you and the liberal media in your back pocket. Half of the country is not in love with you and your obvious far left of center agenda. Half of the country is disgusted with the appalling and ludicrous attempt of your administration and the liberal media to indoctrinate the country with the backwards notion that conservatism is something to be eradicated. That conservatives and people with a right leaning mind set are to be labeled as terrorists.
Mr. President, I implore you not make the ignorant and dangerous mistake that the leftist media has already made of mischaracterizing half of the nations people as right-wing, radical extremists just because they do not whole heartedly embrace your vision for the direction of the country. 233 years ago, there was an oppressed people who did not agree with their governments vision for their lives either, and indeed they were labeled rebel extremists and traitors. In a turn of extraordinary events they fought for, forged, and founded the greatest nation the world has ever known. Their spirit is not extinct. Although threatened by a malignant deception that attempts to shame the very elements that made this country great such as liberty, religious freedom, and personal responsibility, the spirit of our founding fathers still lives in the hearts of millions of Americans. That same spirit will not fade quietly into submission. That spirit is very much alive, worth fighting and standing up for, and God willing, shall not perish from this land!

War and Rumors of War


Well, I decided to start studying up on Iran and its political structure. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but I see that Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei is the “Supreme Leader”. He has been in power since 1989. The Supreme Leader is generally in power until death or until overthrown. Since 1979 there have only been 2. Generally, in theory, he has the power to overrule the elected President if he feels his policies are not in accord with God.
He is ultimately responsible for getting Mahmoud Ahmadinejad elected; or at least skewing the election to make it appear that he was elected. The people are outraged because their political system is so incredibly corrupt. Just like every other oppressed people in the history of society they want freedom and liberty, and they are revolting against the oppression.
Ahmadinejad is a nut job who has sworn the annihilation of Israel and doesn’t like or fear the US, but honestly, this is not the most alarming thing to me. The fact the Obama has done nothing to publically show he is an advocate for the freedom of the Iranian people, denounce the radical Islamic oppression manifested by its regime leaders, or stand up for Israel in the midst of extremist threats is alarming to say the least. We are supposed to be the last bastion of personal and religious freedom in the world. The architects of true liberty. The curators of human rights. Wouldn’t you think that the President of the United States would at the very least publically voice Americas support for the freedom of the Iranian people? I’m not asking for support through the use of troops, bombs, or even financial aid; just a public display of support for freedom. Or how about showing a little support for our ONLY ally in the Middle East? Our Socialist President can’t even do that. Allow me to take a wild stab at the reason why: Because he is fundamentally not a genuine advocate for freedom; plain and simple. He wants government to be in control of most if not all aspects of the peoples’ lives. Given his radically left associations and the large and unchecked strides toward Socialism his current administration has taken since he took office, I defy anyone to attempt to prove me wrong.

Hope and Change for the Duped and Suckered


Obama and his radical administration have been moving at political light speed. Never stopping to weigh the long term consequences of their actions; never allowing bi-partisan debate on the issues like what was promised on the campaign trail. Not only dose this ultra liberal administration turn a deaf ear to the republican voice in Washington, they demean any dialog from the conservative side, and refer to them as the “Party of No” and so forth.
The Nancy Pelosi Debacle Syndrome is in full force. Nothing new there – she is a deceitful, dishonest, incompetent boob! Napolitano and her ilk have labeled anyone with a conservative or right leaning frame of mind as a potential threat to National Security. And Biden? That guy is so entrenched in the lie that what he has to say is intelligent and important it’s actually pitiful. Funny at times, but mostly pitiful. Ive given him the call sign, Joe “Ice” Biden. Just has a nice ring for the old gaff master.
Obama has a truly uncanny ability to completely blow my mind with how he shows his inexperience, yet demonstrates colossal arrogance. Trillions of dollars in deficit spending aside. A 700 billion dollar porkulus bill that congress can’t even account for aside. Wall street demonstrating absolutely zero confidence in the Obama administration aside. Oh, and just forget for a moment that Obama is turning his back on our oldest allies in the Middle East, Israel, and claiming to be able to have constructive dialogue with an Iranian nut job who has vowed total annihilation of the country. Forget all of that for a moment.
This man had the sheer impudent nerve to claim in his speech at the National Archives this week that the previous administrations eight years actually made this country weaker. Is this man out of his mind? Seriously, what country has Obama been living in since 2001? It’s almost as if he is so drunk with his own power and celebrity supported by a sycophantic media in the palm of his hand that he feels he can literally say ANYTHING and actually believe it is truth. His speech was saturated with broad swaths of generalized rhetoric (that’s the politically correct term for lies) aimed at the previous administration. Strategic in a way, as no specifics were given for individuals to actually rebut. So the saga continues. The lies compile and compound. Is there light at the end of the tunnel? I believe so, and I think that light, dim though it may be, is November 2010. Although the current administration has cart blanch to cram every bit of radical leftist ideology down the nation’s throat, they know it is fleeting.
I contend that if you put to a nation wide vote the following:
*10 trillion dollar debt. *A Federal Government run automobile industry. *Federal Government owned and operated health care. *Releasing fanatical terrorists imprisoned OUTSIDE of the lower 48 to INSIDE the lower 48. *Hanging our ONLY ally in the Middle East out to dry. Etc. etc. The collective American response would be a big fat “HELL NO!”
The current administration knows this and is moving at light speed to get their radical left ideology made into law before 2010. For those of you who voted in the current mistake, it’s OK to be ashamed of it or admit the decision was conceived out of emotional or subjective reasons. You can redeem yourself by using your brain next time and making a calculated, objective, rational decision instead of being duped by empty fabricated propaganda slogans like “hope” and “change”. History is at our disposal to learn from. Check it out. Everything the current administration is doing and is planning to do has been attempted before, and failed. And you wonder why the republicans in Washington are being the “party of no” right now?

Norman Thomas, six time candidate for US President for the Socialist party of America was quoted in 1948 during his last run as saying "The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day, America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened."


God Bless America.