Tuesday, November 2, 2010

November 2nd: A Referendum on Out of Control Government

Upon opening our mail last Friday, my wife and I discovered first-hand another reason to not vote democrat. A pleasant letter from my health insurance provider candidly informed me that my monthly premium is set to increase by $55 a month effective December 1st! Knowing that this was going to be a nasty consequence of Obamacare, I wasn’t surprised in the least, yet reading that letter just reinforced my resolve against the current democratic monstrosity in Washington. I know some deniers out there will simply dismiss my complaint as a hypersensitivity to a grim fact that health insurance premiums traditionally increase annually. I am aware of this fact; however, the annual increases have typically been about 1% to 3%. This increase is a whopping 25%! Furthermore, this comes in the wake of the health care takeover that democrats forced upon us in the name of lowering our health care costs! They plainly did nothing to help lower our costs. In fact, these types of premium increases are happening across the country, and some insurance providors are even dropping coverage all together. So much for the lie of “…if you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor…”

I offer the following thanks to the democrats in power, (sarcasm intended):

Thank you President Obama, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Majority Leader Harry Reid and all the democrats in congress for taking food off of my table in difficult economic times. Thank you for overstepping your limits afforded by the constitution and force-placing your utopian dream of a government ran health care system upon the entire country.
Because of your reckless disregard of what the majority of Americans wanted, let alone the constitution, and your arrogant endangerment of our entire health care system, I will now have to spend less money at the grocery store, or on my kids, in order to accommodate the new $55 monthly bill handed to me by my insurance company—courtesy of your horribly misguided health care law.
Similar to millions of other Americans, my wife and I do not have much disposable income; we live paycheck to paycheck on a budget. We are the epitome of the “average American citizens” you claim to have an interest in assisting. A new $55 a month bill is not easily absorbed by our budget. We will have to cut costs in the only variable expense areas we have: groceries, gas, and what we can do for the kids.


The midterm elections today, November 2nd, will not be about restoring the republicans to power. Republicans may be uniquely positioned to be the undeserving beneficiaries of a destructive congress which has lost the faith of the American people; however, republicans currently fair equally as bad as democrats in the polls. This election is not about republicans or democrats; it is a referendum on the out of control party currently in power that refuses to listen to the majority desires of the American people. It may be fair to assert that they care about what some Americans think; however, they have made it painfully clear they absolutely do not care about what conservative Americans think--a dangerous thing to do given over half of this country still identifies itself with conservative principles. 

The horrible legislation that we will have to endure because of the current failure-of-a-congress and presidential administration is staggering. Just for starters, the health care takeover, Stimulus, Bailouts, Cap and Trade, has crippled American business and will ensure slow economic growth for years to come—possibly indefinitely if not reformed or repealed Their inability to make a decision regarding the Bush tax-cuts has solidified business and consumer apprehension and lack of confidence in the government’s ability to back policy that will actually help revive the market. They have demonstrated a sluggish attitude toward getting people back to work in the private sector by extending unemployment benefits to a point where many people have actually stopped looking for a job—and why not, the federal government is paying them to stay home!  The current party in power has demonstrated they posses an utter apathetic attitude toward national security and a retreatist and defeatist attitude to our mission in Iraq and Afghanistan. They have offered a dangerously low level of support for our only Ally in the Middle East: Israel. They have shown no desire to uphold federal law pertaining to illegal immigration. If debt was one thing they were so concerned about from the Bush administration, then they can just consider themselves an extension of the bush administration--on steroids.

They do not deserve to keep their jobs—we are a weaker and more vulnerable country as long as they are allowed to have Cart Blanche to enact their bad policies. Single party rule is not working. Given the state of the economy, unrelentingly high unemployment, and low consumer confidence, why would anyone be adamant about keeping the current party in power? One of the main benefits that Americans enjoy, over other countries, is that we have traditionally been a country with smaller government, yet bigger individuals. Immigrants come to this country in droves to benefit from this reality. If nothing is done to reverse the path we are currently beset upon, I am convinced authentic America--as it was designed to be from our founding--will become extinct.

I am so fed-up with lawmakers at almost every level—state and federal. I am absolutely of the opinion that, at this point, if an individual has been in politics for ten years or longer, republican, democrat, or independent--they need to go! They have done their time, and they have utterly failed. Being a politician should not be a carrier path, it should be temporary time spent to serve one’s country. The carrier politicians have been busy writing legislation and enacting policy that is totally incongruent with what is best for the prosperity of the country. They need to get out of the way of the breath of fresh air the country so desperately needs. We need new faces, new blood, and new politics in Washington. We need citizens who have worked hard in the private sector, ran businesses, signed paychecks, hired people, created jobs, and actually held leadership positions. Our very own president had never held a leadership position in his life until he was sworn in as our Commander in Chief.

Republicans and democrats have bilaterally failed. If tomorrow we find that the democrats have lost their majority in either the House or the Senate, it will not so much be a victory for republicans as it will be a rejection of the current party in power—a referendum. And if Republicans do not do everything in their power to right the country from its current course of failure, God willing, they will be voted out in 2012 too.

All that is left to do is vote, hope and pray for the true change that is needed bring the county back to excellence and prosperity. Today the country decides what path it will take: the path of large government, wide-spread government dependence, and a lower standard of living, or the path of smaller government, individual prosperity, and traditional American Exceptionalism. Today I will vote. Today I will part of this decision.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Conservatism: The Common Sense Lifeline in a Common Senseless Storm


Although I have read Mark Levin’s book Liberty and Tyranny, and consider myself an economic and social conservative, I do not intend for the purposes of this essay to regurgitate Levin’s concepts in Liberty and Tyranny. I decided to add this paragraph to inform the reader that Levin’s book is an inspiring look at conservatism vs. liberalism, or Statism as he refers to it, and many of my own thoughts and writings may tend to reflect concepts in Liberty and Tyranny. Although I by no means plagiarize Levin, I agree whole-heatedly in much of the roots, mechanisms, and elements of conservatism that he subscribes to.

Conservatives believe in the concept of equal opportunity, not equal outcome. The conservative believes in the opportunity for everyone to make their own fortune, better their position in life, and freely pursue and realize their goals and dreams. This concept has been roundly referred to world-wide as the American Dream. Never has this concept been referred to as the Russian Dream, the Ethiopian Dream, the Iranian Dream or the Canadian Dream. Always the American Dream. Millions of immigrants to this country over two centuries can attest to the draw and inspiration the American Dream can hold over the human spirit. As long as every individual has an equal opportunity to create, achieve, thrive, and succeed--those that desire to chase after what they want will do so, and ultimately make better themselves and the society as a whole. This is a large reason why the true conservative believes so ardently in limited government. True conservatives comprehend the concept of “the bigger the government, the smaller the citizen.” Trying to explain this truth to someone resigned to the notion that government is the answer to all of our problems is an exercise in futility. They would rather hand over their money, rights, and liberty to government for the sake of propagating the mystique of equal outcome—a fallacy that has never been successful, and never will. The Founders also staunchly believed in a limited government with enumerated powers, and the empowerment of the individual through liberty from too much government intrusion. Further strengthening the Founders model of limited central government is Federalism. Through Federalism, individual States have the ability to govern and tailor legislation to their own unique culture and socioeconomic landscape without the stigma of a large central government ruling from afar.

The conservative also comprehends the notion that, even when afforded equal opportunity, not everyone will rise to the mantel of achievement or desire to work hard to accomplish a goal or dream. This concept goes hand in hand with the reality that equal outcome is a false utopian dream. Some people will simply choose to live off of handouts and the work of others. However, as long as they live in a civil society which provides them equal opportunity to accomplish a goal or dream, if they choose to work for it, hope remains intact for the individual and the civil society.

Some actually choose not to live by the laws established by the society they live in, and ultimately, reject cooperatively contributing to the civil society altogether. Illegal immigrants come to mind. They have just as equal an opportunity to become a legal citizen as anyone else; however, no matter how good of a person they are at heart, they choose to reject the law and live according to what suits them, despite how damaging their actions can ultimately be to everyone else.

Such is life—and the conservative understands this; however, the conservative rejects the idea that those that work hard to achieve, create, accomplish, and pursue their American Dream are obligated, or worse yet, indeed forced to provide for those that choose not to achieve, work, or follow the laws of the land. This is one major reason why the conservative yearns for entitlement program and tax reform. The conservative believes in empowering people with the opportunity to make their own success.

One of the many entitlement program reforms the conservative seeks is social security reform. Individuals need the opportunity to plan their retirement savings in a manner that may yield a more successful return on their investment—in essence, keep the money they work hard to earn. And I don’t intend to indicate that everyone should stop paying social security taxes tomorrow and just dump all their money into the stock market—that would be foolish and unrealistic.

As it currently stands, social security is little more than a massive government mandated Ponzie scheme—transferring money from people who pay into the system to others who do not in an attempt to force the utopian dream of equal outcome. Many of the people drawing from social security end up receiving more than they ever put in—those on disability for instance. This reality alone should demonstrate how crucial social security reform is. Furthermore, social security is not some massive trust fund out there in a government bank account that people pay into with the hope of drawing the money out when they retire. The 6% social security tax that is eliminated from your every paycheck has already been spent. It is not sitting in savings earning interest waiting for you when you retire. Social security is a completely unfunded entitlement program which is in fact bankrupt; however, the government continues to write the checks anyway, understandably so, because it’s not like they can just turn the entitlement faucet off tomorrow. Plans need to be made, strategy mapped out, and some sacrifices taken, but the leftist in government drives on as if social security is an entitlement for all and in fact a blank check for the future.

I fully comprehend that many people currently benefit from social security. I work in the financial industry and see first-hand how social security is in fact some peoples’ only source of income. I know there are those receiving social security that paid into it during their entire working career, and thus earned it—my grandparents for instance; however, they are receiving a diminished return on what they actually paid in. Furthermore, once they die they cannot transfer the remaining social security they are entitled to over to their heirs—another nasty consequence of the government controlling an individuals retirement. Social security is a perfect example of how government has attempted to force equal outcome, and failed miserably.

Leftists, or progressives as they prefer to be called, put full stock in the concept of equal outcome rather than equal opportunity. Ironically enough, they claim to be the champions of equal opportunity; however, a closer look at the programs and legislation they support will quickly reveal the truth. As believers in equal outcome, they believe in redistribution of wealth and go as far as to label the “rich” as evil—that they require punishment through heavy taxation—as if they do not pay enough taxes already. Contrary to the progressives mantra that the wealthy do not pay their fair share of taxes, as it currently stands in America, the top 40% of earners already pay 70% of the tax burden. How much more do they need to pay? 60% of the population is paying 30% of the tax burden and in 2009 alone, 40% of the people didn’t even end up paying income taxes at all, they received a tax return. Just look on the IRS website and note the tax brackets. The “rich” already pay between 33% and 35% of their gross income to federal taxes, and if the Bush tax cuts from 2002 are allowed to expire, that will increase to 39.6%. So, by and large, who is paying the majority of the taxes in this country? Do the math…

Some might say, “You just want to protect the rich while the middle and lower class suffer!” My response is two-fold: First off, the ignorance of the aforementioned mind-set is staggering to say the least; however, unfortunately many people feel this way. Of course I want to protect the rich, or rather the “wealth” in this country, but not in an unethical money-mongering way as the anticapitalist incorrectly presumes. Protecting the wealth and those who have accumulated it is mostly an economic necessity!

For the sake of stimulating some rational thought, I would ask the leftist to contemplate the following questions:

• Who do you think are the job creators, entrepreneurs, and property owners who largely employ the “middle and lower class” in this country?

• Who are the people that own businesses, hire people, and help create competition in the market, ultimately leading to decreases in price?

• Who do you think took risks, created businesses that gave way to product innovation and technology advancement in this country?

• Who spends higher volumes of money in the private sector, thus stimulating the economy way more than government ever can?

The answer to all of the above questions is not government; it is those evil rich people that leftists want to tax to death!

Here is some ‘Economics 101’ food for thought:

If more tax revenue is the ultimate objective, raising taxes can actually be counterproductive to the end goal. Raising taxes constricts businesses and limits the ability to hire more people, take risk, expand, and spend. Getting people back to work will make more progress toward creating tax revenue simply because there will be more people in the workforce paying taxes. Imaging how much more tax revenue the government would benefit from of the country was back to 4% or 5% unemployment as opposed to the 10% we are currently at…
Raising taxes—any kind of taxes for anyone--in a recession is counterproductive to recovering from the recession because it stifles growth and does not  facilitate sufficient job creation.   This is one of the many reasons why taking on such incredible amounts of debt (the Stimulus, Bail-out’s, Obamacare, etc. etc.) is so detrimental to our overall economic progress. 

I want to ensure that the wealthy and the business owners in this country can keep what they have earned (insert concept of American Dream here) and keep spending the way they do and thus keep their means intact to create jobs, initiate more business innovation, and positively stimulate the economy. This is not a left or right political issue. One either accepts basic economic principles, or they reject them and insert their own emotion-based or dogma-based ideologies. Businesses do not hire more people when they are stifled by heavy tax burdens and uncertainty in the marketplace, and businesses definitely do not hire more when they have zero confidence that the government is not going to help foster an economic recovery by getting out of their way. This is why under the Obama administration unemployment has been allowed to soar and has failed to go back down. The American business construct is showing its lack of confidence in this congress and administration. Bear in mind, the democrats have been in complete control of both houses of congress for the last four years—and the White house for the last two. Furthermore, as long as we demonize and punish wealth in this country we will stifle and constrict the entrepreneurial spirit that is traditionally unique to this nation and ultimately, is the spirit that creates jobs! Punishing wealth creation in this country effectively stops risk-takers in their tracks, does not incent businesses to take chances, and overall, darkens the American Dream. Why would anyone work as hard as they can to earn wealth when it is just going to be punished and taken from them anyway? Why would anyone get off their butt to go earn a living and contribute to the economy when the government will take from the earners and redistribute to those who choose not to earn?

Unfortunately, America is overrun with government full of leftists and progressives. This means our own government leans more toward the concept of forcing equal outcome and legislates accordingly. Under the rule of those that believe equal outcome can be governed, legislated, or created, some very destructive things occur. People who work hard to earn, create and achieve are forced to pay for those who do not so that the illusion of equal outcome can be upheld. Thus, the leftist supports higher taxation and government controlled entitlements.  They just forced healthcare upon the entire country as a government-provided entitlement. Rather than empowering the individual with equal opportunity to work hard and create their own wealth, and spend their money they way they choose, equal outcome believers must force their ideology upon the populace because it does not naturally exist. The equal outcome utopia requires a lot of government programs and regulations. Inflating government is an expensive enterprise; however, it is necessary in the mind of a leftist because equal outcome must be legislated. To the conservative, growing government and increasing government programs equals taxes, taxes, and more taxes and ultimately less freedom, choice, and liberty. The conservative comprehends that the believers in equal outcome will choose to raise taxes in order to financially facilitate their inflated government and throng of government programs. They will not eliminate or reduce the programs set in place, for the programs are required to facilitate their utopian dream. Unfortunately taxes can never be raised high enough to pay for it all, so another destructive consequence of the leftist utopian dream is inflation, and a lousy dollar. In order to keep interest rates artificially low, they then have to print more money. This can lead to the cost of products and services going up, yet does nothing for income or standard of living—and actually, standard of living will decrease during inflationary periods, damaging the very people they claim to support the most—the lower and middle class.

Further legislating economically destructive policy, the Leftists in government then may decide to raise the minimum wage in an effort to project the notion that they are thinking of the “little guy”, that they support the “average” working American. They will propagate many heart-wrenching stories of how hard it is for the middle and lower class citizen to make a living and raise a family—they must be given more money for their hard work—they simply must! Unfortunately, all a forced wage increase does to the economy is force prices to increase yet again. What once was a $5 burger at your local diner will become a $7 burger in an effort to offset the increase in cost of doing business.  Furthermore, they may (and actually did) legislate bad policy which entitles people to a home--even if they do not qualify for the mortgage.

The sick part of this destructive spiral is that it was the leftist’s bad economic policies which made it difficult for the average citizen to make a living in the first place and ultimately, guess who is going to be there with open arms, entitlement programs and welfare when the individual is disenfranchised, bled dry, and broken? The very same leftist! This keeps those disenfranchised citizens voting for the leftist rather than against. I am undecided as to whether the leftist is simply an economic imbecile with no concept of the future or the “big picture”, or a sly genius subtly orchestrating a massive strategy to keep people dependant on government and thus voting accordingly.

Friday, September 17, 2010

"Those Voices Don't Speak for the Rest of Us"

What is so amazing about the speech Regan was giving here is it was given in the 60’s! It’s as if he were giving insight directly to us in our political climate today. We have a dysfunctional, arrogant government bent on passing legislation that is against the will of the people, and their actions will fundamentally change this nation for the worse—yet, they press on. Cap and Tax was just passed in the House. Are they genuinely trying to break the country, or are they just so insulated and out of touch with the American people and how to improve the economy that they pass reckless legislation under the mantra of “hope and change”? Meanwhile, our President plays more rounds of golf in 20 months than his predecessor did in eight years!

It dosent matter. The majority of the people in the country are against this administration, this congress, and the direction they are taking us. And it is up to us to bring the run-away train to a screeching halt before our country is unrecognizable.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Tyranny, Taxes, and Tanning

What encroaches upon liberty? What replaces liberty when liberty is lost? The answer is tyranny. Call tyranny by any other name: totalitarianism, despotism, dictatorship, oppression, and tyranny is still tyranny—the antithesis of liberty.

When government pays for a product or service for the governed it creates a nasty liberty-compromising consequence. Once government pays for something, they make whatever they paid for their business, and the people lose out on a little something called: Choice. Look at it this way; you can’t just go get a driver’s license at any Macy’s can you? No, you have to go to the one place and one place only--the dreaded DMV. This was one of the many reasons so many liberty-loving Americans were so adamantly opposed to the federal government take-over of our health care industry.

Obamacare painfully articulates the dark truth about the current administration and congressional democrats: Their agenda will trump personal freedom and liberty every time. They would much rather dictate to you how you should run your life. Of course, they think they are mandating things which are for your own good; however, as C.S. Lewis pointed out in God in the Dock, “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive”.

For a relevant example, look at the 10% tax increase on indoor tanning beds congressional democrats wrote into their health care overhaul. This is a perfect example of how they do not think you are worthy of personal freedom and liberty of choice—how you are too stupid to make personal choices on your own.

Fundamentally speaking, I can understand where their health-conscious thinking comes from. Most sane, rational people value their health, and I would go as far as to contend anyone not living in an underground cavern for the last 50 years comprehends the potential risks associated with too much exposure of UV light on their precious sensitive skin. However, if you want to lay under UV lights from time to time in order to keep others from writhing in agony every time you wear shorts or remove your shirt because their retina cant stand the white-glare you emit, you should be able to do so at your digression—without being taxed by the federal government!

Sales for non-essential luxuries are down already due to the state of the economy. Why impose an additional tax burden on businesses? Anyone who at least understands the basics of economics comprehends that raising taxes—any kind of taxes—during a recession is counterproductive to recovering from the recession. People do not go into business to hire other people; they go into business to first-and-foremost make money. Hiring people is a byproduct of making money. Only when a business makes money and needs to grow will it hire more. When businesses get taxed—when the money they work hard to generate is taken from them, when government intervenes more—they hire less, or worse still, shrink their workforce. I know it is hard for the current administration to comprehend these economic fundamentals, but what should we expect given the vast majority of them have never worked in the private sector… One of the main reasons we have not seen unemployment go down since the Obama regime took over is because they have forced themselves too deep into our GDP. We will not see unemployment go back to 4 or 5 percent until government shrinks, and that will not happen as long as democrats are in control of congress. They have been in control of congress for four years now.

Anyway, back to the tanning tax; can anyone intelligently articulate to me why it is the prerogative of the federal government to tax tanning? The aforementioned question is facetious by the way; I know exactly why they are taxing tanning. The federal government just bought our entire health care industry which means they will now legislate how we live our lives as it pertains to health (according to their agenda of course).

When will enough be enough? What exactly is too overreaching? Where is the limit? If they can basically tax our right, choice, and privilege to tan indoors, what’s next? By their logic, they should be taxing anything and everything that can be potentially hazardous to our health—just look at what they have done to the price of cigarettes. Should they line the beaches with toll booths so that those wanting to sun-bathe in the free and open air have to pay a tax to do so? Or how about eating a nice greasy fat-filled cheese burger? Why don’t we pay a federal tax to do that? Why not pay a federal tax to drive a vehicle? God knows driving is potentially hazardous to your health, and liberals love to demonize the automobile for it’s consumption of oil and vicious destruction of the environment. Why doesn’t the federal government tax or ban all sodium and sugar, and why not federally mandate that we all have to do 20 sit-up’s and jog for 20 minutes a day? I had better stop there, I am starting to sound 1984ish and some congressional democrat will read this and start thinking “Hey those are some great ideas…” Too late, it has already started. My point is: there is no limit to what they will try to control unless we the people put a stop to it and vote them out of office!

The left called us crazy when we said Obamacare will lead to rationing, but look what just happened. Obama personally appointed—no congressional hearings mind you—Donald Berwick, the unabashed socialist as head of Medicare and Medicaide, and guess what? He is in favor of rationing! He favors a government dictated “point system” which assigns points to people based upon how many times they visit a doctors office. The higher points you accrue (more doctor visits you have) the lower on the list you are placed. So in other words, my 85 year old grandpa had better not get sick or need surgery any time soon because based on the doctor visits he has had in the past 24 months, he has accrued a lot of “points”. Scary.

What is it again that replaces liberty when liberty is lost?


Sunday, July 4, 2010

Reflections This Independence Day

The Declaration of Independence, elegant in its composition, forthright in its annotation of Natural Law, and moving in its conviction, is an authentic American founding document as important as the Constitution itself. Abraham Lincoln referred to the Declaration of Independence as “an immortal emblem of man's humanity” and “the father of all moral principle because it incorporates a rational, nonarbitrary, moral and political standard”.

As the Declaration asserts:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

The pursuit of happiness cannot be sought without liberty, and liberty cannot be had without life. Oppressed people throughout history have known this undeniable truth all too well.

To be sure, the founding fathers of our nation were an unconventional and radical lot for their time. By standing up for the laws of nature and openly opposing tyranny they marked themselves as independent thinkers, believers in liberty and natural law – the same natural law which provides certain undeniable rights for humankind.
Many of the founders were executed as traitors for their beliefs pertaining to the unalienable rights the Declaration so boldly proclaims. By signing the Declaration of Independence some founders were indeed signing their own death warrant.

So moved were the French by America’s embrace of independence and defiance of tyranny that they bestowed upon our nation one of the most iconic tributes to liberty the world has known. For 124 years the Statue of Liberty has stood, foot forward, arm raised, torch in hand as an undeniable reminder: Liberty is an American value. This torch shines its light on the land of the free and the home of the brave.

The composition of the Declaration of Independence forged for this nation an experiment never seen before in the history of humankind. To this day the American Experiment endures scrutiny and disdain from forces both domestic and foreign. Some seek to redirect, recreate, and “change” the fundamental nature and original intent of the Declaration of Independence. Further still, some even try to argue that the Constitution is a “living breathing” document up for individual interpretation.
As American citizens, we benefit from the honor, privilege, and right to maintain the integrity of our government as it was so brilliantly conceived by our forefathers. The honor of having a government of the people, by the people, and for the people comes from our duty to ensure no one President, administration, or political party or foreign power ever succeeds in bastardizing the Declaration of Independence or Constitution—that our elected officials never reach beyond the scope of limited power they are entrusted with.
This Independence Day, let us remember the Declaration of Independence and how it is still relevant today. Let us remember those that risked everything, even gave their lives, so that future generations would benefit from living in a free and independent nation. On this day, let us celebrate and revere our Independence!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

With Apologies and Double Standards For All

When President Obama invited the President of Mexico, Felipe Calderón, to the White House and allowed him to lecture the United States on his opinion regarding Arizona’s recent decision to enforce illegal immigration law, Obama revealed an ugly fly in the ointment of his appeasement policy regarding foreign affairs – a double standard that can no longer go unnoticed.

During his “apology for America” tour Obama revealed he was of the belief no country had the right to tell another country what to do – and yet at Obama's beckon, Calderón stood on American soil and chastised the US for Arizona’s attempt at enforcing federal law regarding illegal immigration. Deepening the double standard, in the midst of his apology tour Obama directly told Israel not to build settlements on their own land.

I contend – through logic and common sense – even the most hardened liberal can easily point out the glaring contradictions Obama has presented in his actions and reactions when it comes to representing America and interacting with other nations – namely Israel.

Moreover, Obama has dangerously shown much hesitance in “telling” Iran through hard-line sanctions not to build weapons designed to wipe nations from the face of the earth – a much more atrocious action than building settlements on land one doesn’t need to seek permission to build upon. Unfortunately for Americans (yet fortunately for those that wish us harm) Obama has not even shown much interest in condemning radical factions and regimes that have declared war on us and our allies.

It seems The President is more concerned with beating the “blame America first” drum than standing in defense of our constitution, sovereignty, and friends. This type of depressing behavior does nothing but discourage Americans and encourage our enemies. What can be said about a country whose Commander in Chief apologizes profusely to other nations for his country’s influence and strength in the world, snubs his only ally in the Middle East, and most recently, condemns a State law which enforces already existing federal law?

Although I do not think it is fair to say Obama hates America, I feel it’s accurate to say he does not speak with the conviction and passion of one who holds authentic American love and loyalty in his heart. In my observation, Obama’s default manner and conduct is to identify with people that have grievances with America, and in my humble opinion as an American citizen and Marine veteran, he sympathizes with these types of people far too much for an American President.

The whole business regarding Arizona enforcing federal immigration law polarizes people because it reveals an ugly truth among Americans. Some view national security, protecting our boarders, and enforcing federal law as paramount to our Nation's sovereignty. Others do not. Our President and his administration seem to be of the later persuasion.

The issue of boarder security is not whether immigrants are good or bad people – as the left on the issue so adamantly stress -- nor is the issue whether law enforcement officials will all-of-a-sudden start perpetrating mindless random racial profiling of anyone not of a light skin tone now that they can finally enforce immigration law in their state.
The root of the issue is enforcement of the law, or apathy of law enforcement. Realistically speaking, the only people I have found concerned with making this an issue about race are the very people attempting to divide people on the subject by using their emotional opinions regarding race. By creating an erroneous pretext by using race as the fuel for their agenda they divert and avoid hitting the brass-tacks on the issue: Do we enforce our laws or do we not? Any village idiot can make this issue about race, but common sense loving people prefer not to bother themselves with witless arguments on this multifaceted issue.

Let me make one thing very clear: Like millions of Americans who believe in American Exceptionalism and authentic American values, I view immigration to this country as a good thing. Yes, I am pro immigration. As Dr. Bill Bennett would say, America is the last best hope for humanity, and I agree with him. Obviously millions of immigrants in this country agree with him as well. The elegant meaning of the Latin motto E Pluribus Unum: many uniting into one, proudly graces our nation’s Official Seal. Our currency also carries the motto as a constant reminder: Out of many, we are one.

As a responsible American citizen however, I also support federal law as it pertains to immigrants obtaining citizenship legally. The bottom line is: dissent to the Arizona law from anyone, whether from a President of a nation or an actual illegal alien basically advocates lawlessness. Furthermore, groaning about enforcement of federal immigration law is a slap in the face to the millions of law-abiding immigrants who had the dream, integrity, honor, and fortitude to become an American citizen legally – for it is not a capricious task.

I have read Arizona SB 1070 and find it completely reasonable. I contend any reasonable person who actually takes the fifteen minutes required to read it would agree with me. Although the law itself will not do much to curtail illegal immigration, it will -- as an enforcement law -- provide law enforcement officials the much needed legal recourse to do what our tax dollars pay for – enforce the law!

I find it utterly astounding that high-profile public officials such as President Obama, President of Mexico, Felipe Calderón, and even Attorney General Holder have publicly opposed the Arizona law without even knowing what the law says or does. And calling for a boycott of Arizona commerce or business is as juvenile as it is disgusting. Anyone advocating this type of behavior is advocating lawlessness, illegality, and perpetuating a gross perversion of a state’s right to protect itself. Prematurely and unjustly jumping to the liberally-conceived and divisive conclusion that this issue is about race reveals one’s ignorance on the matter.

Is this really what the present administration has reduced us to? Are we so divided and categorized through fabrications of the media’s propaganda that we cannot see clearly the root or truth of an issue? This type of dismal behavior is simply appalling, especially coming from a President who ran a campaign on Hope and Change and bringing people together.

The federal government is charged with protecting our boarders – it is in our constitution. Arizona enacting a very popular law that helps enforce current federal immigration law is necessary and just; however, it also sheds light on how big a problem illegal immigration is in our country when a state enacts a law that the White House condemns and federal government refuses to enforce.

I would like to offer a vigorous salute to Arizona for SB 1070. Immigration has never a problem in America; however, Illegal immigration is a major problem, and I am proud of Arizona for stepping in the right direction regarding a sensitive yet important issue. Regardless of the dissent and mischaracterization coming from the left and the current occupants of the White House, I sincerely hope Arizona’s decision to make a concerted effort to do something about illegal immigration will positively influence illegal immigration reform. Those that would try to besmirch supporters of SB 1070 as racist-right-wing-nut jobs are wrong in every connotation of reasonability and rationale.

Friday, May 7, 2010

The Amazing Insight of Bill Maher

If you are a racist, you are probably a republican!
At least that is what far-left-loons like Bill Maher believe. Last Sunday he revealed his staggering narrow-minded-madness on the ABC morning show, This Week. Although This Week is routinely graced by left-leaning panelists, Bill out-did himself. This Week – as liberally slanted as it is – at least attempts to maintain the perception that it is a legitimate political show worthy of an intelligent audience. Bill Maher on the other hand specifically speaks to and for other far-left-loons. His ignorant assertions are to be used for comedic purposes only and not worthy of any real credence or merit.

I will allow Bill’s own words to prove my point:

Maher: "Government intrusion, you know government power, is something that really bothers conservatives unless it's directed at people that are not white. It seems like there is something like that going on there."

I think George Will was utterly flabbergasted by the mind-numbing ignorance of Bill’s statement.

Will: "Mr. Maher, just said -- if I heard him right -- that conservatives basically are racists and like government intrusion only against people that aren't white."

Maher, in attempt to back-step makes an even bigger ass out of himself and insults republicans.

Maher: "I would never say and I have never said, because it's not true that Republicans, all Republicans are racists. That would be silly and wrong. But nowadays, if you are racist, you're probably a Republican. And that is quite different."

Thank you Bill, the insight and brilliance of your comments are absolutely staggering! In reality, there is nothing “quite different” about it. The only part of his statement that had merit was “…it’s not true…all republican are racist. That would be silly and wrong.”
That is silly and wrong; however, he crapped allover that statement with the whole ‘if you are racist, you are probably a republican’ thing.

This type of rhetoric is as daft as saying “If you are a democrat, you are probably stupid.” There is absolutely nothing fact-based contained in this opinionated assertion of generalizing non-sense whatsoever.
Unfortunately for the intelligent listener out there, Bill Maher has a large platform to spew his blathering puke from. His ilk would claim the same for Rush Limbaugh and other similar conservative thinkers; however, Rush and individuals like him tend to keep their arguments rooted in fact and truth rather than emotional opinion. If you don’t like Rush – that’s fine; however, I contend that you cannot argue with the facts and truth he tirelessly presents.

As a side note: Every time I notice someone mention how much they hate Rush, I don’t ask why, I ask if they listen to his radio show. The answer is almost always an emphatic NO! So if you have a negative opinion of him yet never listen to his show isn’t it safe to say your opinion is basically a fabrication of the media’s propaganda? Just food for thought…

Those of us who choose to the listen to conservative speakers (while we still have the right) enjoy doing so because we are attracted to truth and common sense. Conservative TV and radio show hosts such as Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, Sean Hanity, Mark Leven, Hugh Hewitt, Dennis Prager, Laura Ingram, Mike Gallagher, Jason Lewis, Ann Coulter, et al tend to deliver facts and offer concrete rationale instead of slushy conjecture. By doing this, they perform the job our lefty media is derelict in doing.

Common sense loving people tend to appreciate arguments more when fact and truth are presented first, opinion second. Liberal-loons like Bill Maher are notorious for spouting opinion, followed by more opinion as if it were fact. The troublesome part of their rhetoric is that truth is relative to these people. Truth is what they “feel” to be true. It doesn’t matter if they can’t provide any intelligent arguments or objective facts – if they “feel” it is true, they will project what they feel as the truth.

For Bill Maher (a white liberal), and for many other white liberals, only conservative whites can be racist. Furthermore, they can only be racist by the terms that white liberals define.

Anyway, this is what ABC gets for having a white liberal comedian as a guest on a political morning show.

Thanks for revealing yourself to a national audience as what you are Bill – a far-left-loon. Of course, other far-left-loons insatiably gobbled-up your mindless comments and asked for seconds; however, those of us who prefer a little more truth, fact and common sense in our rhetoric are still laughing at you. And since I think we all need to laugh a little more these days – I thank you!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Leftist Smear Tactics

How low will sleaze-bag liberals stoop to marginalize, mischaracterize, and bring discredit to anyone who does not think/feel the way they do?

Apparently they are willing to lie and misrepresent themselves in order to bring erroneous discredit upon others. Crashtheteaparty.org is such a group. Forget constructive, civil, intelligent means of disagreeing such as, oh I don’t know, DEBATE.

Oh no, crashtheteaparty.org sympathizers are dedicated to infiltrating the TEA parties as if they were like-minded yet misrepresenting themselves in various moronic, racist, and potentially damaging ways in an effort to damage and discredit. Aren’t these people lovely? Basically, these people are willing to make complete asses of themselves simply because they do not agree with the TEA parties or the people that do.

Jason Levin, creator of crashtheteaparty.org was quoted in AP as saying
"Do I think every member of the tea party is a homophobe, racist or a moron? No, absolutely not. Do I think most of them are homophobes, racists or morons? Absolutely."

And there you have it folks: The ugly underbelly of the left. I wish I knew a whole bunch of these people, they sound like they would make wonderful friends! They think they are so much better than you; anything you believe in has got to be stupid, moronic, racist, or out-dated, right? They are not even willing to take tea partiers to task and construct civil debates or create opportunities for exchange of thoughts on the issues. They just childishly seek to destroy using sleazy tactics. And why not? You are nothing more than a dumb, uneducated, red-neck, racist-gun-freak out to spew your hate against Obama and his administration simply because he is not a republican and he’s black… (Well, half-black anyway) The Lame Stream media has labeled you as such, so it has to be true! Right?

Right now, leftists – and I don’t just mean liberals I’m talking about the True Believers – are in a state of flux. They are currently in a form of denial because their Oracle – The Chosen One – is not blindly supported by all, and of course in their emotional opinions, people who do not support Obama and his administration must be monumentally stupid or racist or both.

As a matter of fact, Obama’s approval numbers are reaching record lows for the first term of any President. It’s not just the TEA Parties – people are on to this administration's divisive tactics and aristocratic, arrogant view of themselves. People know that there is not a single person working in the White House that ever worked in the private sector – you know – the Real World, where you actually create wealth, drive the economy, run a business, meet a payroll etc.

The TEA Parties send leftists into a complete state of irritation and anger because leftists do not know how to debate facts. They use emotion in their arguments, rarely logic. So rather than actually debate they attempt to smear, suppress, marginalize and discredit their opposition.

For a relevant example, look at the April 19th article in the New York Times former President Bill Clinton wrote. The article appears to be a remembrance letter of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. However, halfway through, the article takes a turn and jumps on the “everyone who disagrees with the current political climate is a terrorist” band-wagon that the left has recently created out of desperation. Basically he marks anyone who does not fully support our current politicians in power as violent, fringe-crazies – that we need to be watchful of these people as they are probably prone to committing horrible terrorist acts much like Timothy McVeigh did. Gee, thanks for the partisan low-blow Bill, your insight is as enlightening as it is nausiating. I think your article would have worked better if you were actually a King or better yet, some sort of deity. But as it is, you are not a King, and whenever you talk-down to the general public, especially when you did nothing to calm the clamor against your predecessor for eight years, people take notice, and guess what? They don’t like it!

This is one of the many reasons our lefty media is going the way of the Dodo. People are getting tired of their crap, plain and simple.

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Rape of America

From American Thinker 04/07/2010:

The Rape of America

Thursday, April 1, 2010

A Page From the Painfully Obvious

I saw a vehicle today with a multitude of marginalizing and misguided bumper-stickers such as: “Free Palestine from the occupation”, “Free speech means questioning those that are free”.
I can’t remember all of them – there had to be at least a dozen.

I was moved by the staggeringly backwards mind-set that the bumper-stickers were proudly projecting.
So painfully obvious was the fact that this person had to be distinctly ignorant, or anti-Semitic, or both. Palestine is a terrorist group. Anyone arguing otherwise is a Palestinian or just plain ignorant.
Furthermore, aside from the painfully obvious ignorance and prejudice of the bumper-stickers, the stench of radical-leftism reeked from the vehicle; the kind of pungent stink that could only come from a true believer. This type of aficionado mind-set kept people believing the world was flat long after mathematics proved otherwise.

“Free speech means questioning those that are free” implies a myriad of mischaracterizations of genuine “free speech”. Such blathering is to be expected from one who proudly endorses Palestine – an organization which tramples and despises free speech, personal freedom, and civil rights as Western evils that are to be eradicated.

In truth, free speech means exactly what it describes – the freedom to speak or communicate. It implies nothing inside the realm of only speaking to or “questioning” those who are free. Free speech -- referring to questioning those that are free -- automatically indicates that the one doing the questioning is inherently not free.

Does this message indicate that one is to question freedom -- that free speech questions freedom? Communists would emphatically say: YES! Furthermore, they would use that argument to limit the speech of the people. History is clear on this point.
Regardless of what it is supposed to convey, any scenario that I could decipher from that ridiculous bumper-sticker was insipid and common senseless at best.

As a Marine and someone who has been deployed overseas in service of our extraordinary country, I find myself feeling sorry for the poor sap driving the vehicle tattooed with several mind-numbing and unintelligent slogans.

This person clearly has no idea what Authentic American values are, how much Americans have sacrificed to keep our values and beliefs alive in our country – how much we have sacrificed for the good of other nations, or how to articulate what being an American means.

They clearly know exactly how to articulate anti-American beliefs and values. More depressing though is the idea that by virtue of knowing how to articulate anti-American values one may fundamentally know what authentic American values are and simply reject or disdain them.

And that is why the battle for America is not against any country or group outside our boarders. It is against the left – right here within our own boarders.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wag the Dog

Of all of the things America needs right now -- of all the help -- Obamacare is one of the last. Americans did a pretty good job of conveying that concept – of bringing validity to their opposition to Obamacare; however, our wonderful elected officials in all their wisdom and insight forced it upon us anyway.
If the list of things America needs right now was, say, 1,000 items long, Obamacare would be in the high 900’s.

Don’t just take my word for it; consider some of the facts:

California for instance is currently running a $20 billion deficit. Obamacare forces $3 billion in new government mandates upon the already bankrupt state over the next three years. This directly equates to more constrictive business practices, more jobs lost, less businesses hiring, and higher state mandated fees and yes, even more taxes.

Obamacare forces major employers such as AT&T, John Deere, and Caterpillar to pay taxes on the new federal subsidies that are being forced upon them. A (unintended I’m sure) consequence of this is they are going to have to write off billions in losses for the year. The bottom line negative effect of this: more jobs lost and less hiring.

Medtronic, just one of many medical device manufacturers, announced they may have to fire about 1,000 employees as a result of the new 2.3% tax on certain medical devices imposed on them by Obamacare.

The list goes on and on. For brevity sake, I'll leave it here. However, I can easily compose a page or more dedicated to the maleffects of Obamacare -- and probably will do so in the near future.

Obamacare, with all of its horrendous complications, mind numbing costs, and unpopularity has been thrust upon the country at probably the worst possible time. Our countries economy is still reeling from approaching the brink of disaster in late 2008, unemployment is still at record highs -- costing us $10 billion per month in unemployment benefits, and some states like Michigan and California are at the door step of complete economic meltdown. We are occupying two separate theaters of war in Iraq and Afghanistan, and Iran has nukes while this administration astonishingly snubbs Israel -- our ONLY ally in the middle east.

What is it about this administration that possesses them to force Obamacare through despite its unpopularity and the fact that a fundamentally altering our entire health care industry is not even one of the top things America needs right now?
What is it about the American Dream that Democrats find so vile and in need of destroying anyway? Their policies and actions represent a mindset consumed with taking from those who produce, create, and work and redistributing to those who don’t or won’t – regardless of the negative side effects.
By observing Democrats in action, one can easily make the case (if they didn’t know any better) that the American Dream is an entitlement for those who are not legal citizens, don’t speak English, don’t pay any income taxes, and/or don’t want to work. This version of the ‘American Dream’ is to be handed out by a government that takes from those who worked hard to achieve and redistributed to those that do not achieve.

Honestly, we shouldn’t be so naive to act shocked or surprised at this. Entitlements are the opiate of the people and government is the pipe. People of this mentality rely on this type of government so they can quite literally sit at home, smoke from a pipe and still collect a check.

Any bum can attest to this concept in practice. If he is on a corner that isn’t subsidizing him anything, he moves to one that does. Once he finds such a corner that provides him whatever he feels is necessary he stays put. I witness this every day on my way to work as I drive through down-town Denver. Typically, it is the same bums on the same corners. Why would they put in the effort required to find a job or better their situation through hard work when they are being supplemented by others on a regular basis?
Interestingly enough, I have observed the occasional entrepreneurially inclined bums dabbling in a form of target marketing by brandishing signs with particularly zany or comedic message in hopes of pulling in more business. Some of my personal favorites: “Need parts to repair my space ship”, “Saving for a hooker”, and of course the always candid – “No excuses, just need a beer”.

Of course some sales-enterprising inclined bums will attempt to improve their plight by peddling in crowded areas, and more impressive yet, some artistically persuaded bums actually have a unique act or musical talent they display to the masses in hopes of compensation.

Unemployment benefits show us the same proof of reliance on entitlements. The longer unemployment benefits are offered – the longer people tend to stay unemployed.
I wonder how many (well intentioned yet misguided) people actually walked into doctors offices across the country the day after Obamacare was passed and expected to receive some sort of treatment completely for free...
What is more interesting to ponder is the kind of “Are you effing kidding me?” looks doctors’ office personnel gave these people…

If you support Obama and Obamacare – God bless you, but I challenge you to exercise some of Obama’s hope and change into a practical application next time you go out to eat. Hilarity will ensue – I promise, and the wait staff and restaurant management will especially appreciate your shining example of Obama’s vision for America.

Here’s what you do:

Make sure to go out with as many people as you can gather in an effort to drive the bill to a nauseating level and the waiter and staff will have to really work to accommodate everyone.
Order anything and everything you want, especially if you have no intention of consuming it. Have drinks, appetizers, main dishes, more drinks, and be sure to stay there a long time – making double sure the staff has worked extra hard to keep everyone satisfied.
When the bill arrives, inform the waiter that you won’t be paying. Announce that you are putting Obama’s vision for America into practice and that actually, it will be the responsibility of the individuals who worked to accommodate your table to cover the bill -- the cooks, bartenders, waiters, and possibly even management for covering the bill in its entirety.
Furthermore, inform the waiter that you will only pay the tip on one condition: that it is given to the homeless guy outside on the corner because he is clearly in greater ‘need’ of it. Despite the staff’s overwhelming disapproval of your decision, the economic nonsense and glaring illegality of your scheme – be sure to INSIST this is the ONLY way this business can be transacted from now on.
Let me know how that works out for ya!

Of course, it’s laughable to think this would ever happen in the real world; however, congress just passed Obamacare. What was once laughable is now law. In essence, they just enacted this little practical application (joke) into law, except their version is on a gargantuanly larger scale and the place that we all get to go to now will be a grease-spoon diner instead of a five star restaurant – and some will die waiting in line…

Friday, March 26, 2010

C.S. Lewis on Tyranny

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. Their very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be ‘cured’ against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.
—C. S. Lewis, God in the Dock

I love this quote!
Every time I read it I am encouraged. I am encouraged to know there are people out there who ‘get it’ – past and present. One can find many similar quotes like this from Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and many other founding fathers. These people understood the dangers of big government, and established a Republic, a form of government of the people with many checks and balances in order to circumvent it from getting out of control.

In a time when our media is saturated with a homogonous, left-leaning slant that ostracizes even the most innocuous opposition to their agenda, in a time when our current president is not a center-governing president of the People but rather an ideological president only of his own party, in a time when the people who oppose our current staggering lurch to the left have become the “infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.” -- I take comfort in quotes like these.

Not because of the content of the quote – for the content, true as it is, is not encouraging by itself – I am comforted because I know there are millions of other Americans out there who feel the same way. Actually, last I checked, the people who are “very satisfied” or “satisfied” with the current direction of the country are in the minority. Check any non liberal-rag pole right now for verification.

Better yet, don’t even look up the polls. Go out and ask people. The lame stream media is a total inverse barometer of what people really think. Other than Fox, getting fair and balanced news is about as futile as asking for a glass of ice water in Hell.
And congress?
They have proven themselves to be an incompetent mass of inept partisans bent on radically altering the fundamental nature of our country. Go talk to the people. Read their blogs. Find out for yourself. My contention is that there are a lot more people out there that grasp the aforementioned C.S. Lewis quote that you may have thought.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Future Question for Democrats: Was it all worth it?

Picture an interview a year from now. The November 2010 mid-term elections over, ObamaCare solidly locked into law, the post ObamaCare ego-messaging, sycophantic, gushing media praise replaced by undeniable public outcry and disillusionment that is fully reflected in the polls. The reality of what was done finally staring to sink it, and the question “was it all worth it” needs to be asked answered.

A future question to the 220 individuals who voted yes for ObamaCare in the House:

Was it all worth it?

• Was losing the democratic super-majority in congress worth it?
• Was tainting the democratic reputation in Washington, possibly for years to come, worth it?
• Was painfully passing a horrendous bill by unorthodox and unethical means worth it?
• Was deepening the American discord with “Washington-politics-as-usual” worth it?
• Was the fallout of health insurance companies being forced to RAISE rates as a consequence of this bill – even after you PROMISED your bill would lower rates worth it?
• Was burying 16% of the nation’s economy in more red-tape, bureaucracy, regulation, and government programs – further deepening American’s forced dependence on government worth it?
• Was presenting the nonsensical notion that a trillion dollar price tag would reduce the deficit by 1.3 billion over ten years worth it?
• Was labeling the opposition to your bill as stupid and uninformed worth it?
• Was sidestepping accountability for an extremely unpopular and unwanted bill worth it?
• Was taxing citizens immediately for elements that they will not see for three more years worth it?
• Was lying to the American People worth it?

Unfortunately for America, the answer from any far leftist focused on the ideological premise of altering America into a more socialized, Marxist-looking country will be a quite emphatic: Yes!

President Obama made multiple references to not caring about the political fallout of passing his administration’s party-line health care reform bill. Astoundingly, he even made reference to not really caring how procedure was handled in passing the bill. Shocking! The President of the United States – a former professor of constitutional law – doesn’t care how the biggest change to the American political and cultural landscape since FDR’s New Deal came to be law. The most insulting aspect of Obama’s apathy to America’s disapproval of ObamaCare is how he had the audacity to claim during his interview with Fox News Correspondent Bret Baier on 3/17/10 that the American people don’t really care how the bill gets passed anyway.

What a day we live in! We elected a president who ran a campaign under the hope of changing Washington, and he has the ignorant nerve to say we don’t care how comprehensive, sweeping, trillion-dollar legislation gets passed! Is that the "hope" and "change" he was referring to?

Remember how low Bush’s approval numbers had been in the end? How could any campaign that promised the exact opposite of the Bush years possibly lose? We were promised no more politics-as-usual under the Obama administration. We were promised a lot of wonderfully sounding stuff that was read with conviction from a teleprompter, but the bottom line is: We were lied to.
Anyone who can’t see that by now is a staunch left-leaning ideologue, or just a good old fashion moron. Either that, or you are willingly ignorant and just don’t give a crap. I’ll take the morons or the willingly ignorant any day; at least they are typically more likeable…

The president and his administration not only took Washington-politics-as-usual to horrendously new lows with the passage of ObamaCare, they scoffed at the overwhelming American disapproval of the bill, and knowing full-well what the negative political ramifications were going to be – forced it on the People anyway.

All name-calling and venting aside, I am hopeful that this will be a wake-up call for Americans. We cannot hit the snooze button anymore and hope our elected officials will do what is best for the country. We have to take our country back. We cannot sit idly by while our country is altered into a Marxist nanny-state with the federal government at the helm of virtually every aspect of our lives. Who else is going to stop the out-of-control government spending of our money (and money that doesn’t even exist yet), the growing of government bigger and bigger, and the weakening of American strength and position in the world?
They already forced themselves deep into the banking, automobile, and health care industries. They want to take over education. With the passage of Obamacare, they just helped themselves to absolute control over student loans.

They aren’t done!

They still want to give amnesty to illegal persons living in our country, completely infiltrate and destroy Wall Street, "reform" the entire banking and financial industry, and render as many citizens as possible dependant on the federal government with even more entitlements.

Unemployment benefits right now are costing us $10 billion a month. Apparently, in America one can live off of the government (working citizens tax dollars) for over two years as long as they claim they are “looking” for a job. I remember when Obama would use the $10 billion per month figure as an atrocity when making a talking point in ending the war. Well, financial accountability or responsibility under his administration is the joke of the generation. Nobody will ever refer to the Obama administration and financial responsibility together unless it is to show they are the antitheses of one another. Yet, Obama consistently makes references to how we need to be more fiscally responsible. I can’t decide if he is on drugs or just so deceived through the intoxication of his own power that he really believes the crap that comes out of his mouth.
Obama: the face of economic recklessness – the face of liberalism – the face of change for America:
Change from a strong, independent, wealthy, secure nation, to a mediocre, dependent, struggling, and second-rate nation.

This is supposed to be a government of the people by the people for the people. This means: We the people are the government.
American’s have a duty and civic responsibility to keep our government in check and bring balance back to where balance has been lost.

God may have decided America is not worth His grace and favor anymore, and truthfully, I think it is more like America decided God is not worth her time or effort anymore; however, America is still our home and we have to do the best with what we have. Americans looking for a good way to start rebuilding American strength and prosperity, preserving individual liberty and personal freedom should at the least consider the following:

Stop voting Democrat!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Let the Beatings Begin

One of the main reasons Americans overwhelmingly disapprove of Obamacare – an unprecedented takeover attempt of our health care industry – is because we don’t want to have to deal with an enormous D.M.V-on-steroids for our health care.
Every time I hear a liberal democrat on TV talk about Obamacare I notice at some point in the conversation an insipid comment about how the American People are just uninformed – they don’t really know what is in the bill, and thus popularity for the bill is marginal. How out-of-touch and snobbish do you have to be to actually believe that load of sanctimonious crap? In reality, Americans know EXACTLY what a federal government health care takeover entails: AND WE DON’T WANT IT! Pure and simple!

George Will explained it perfectly when responding to Robert Reich on ABC’s This Week on 3/7:
Will: You say they [insurance companies] have huge profits. As you know, confiscate all the profits of all the health insurance companies, with those profits you could finance our healthcare for 48 hours. What you do for the next 363 days I don’t know. Second, you say there’s not enough competition? Fine, let them compete in a national market across state lines.
Reich: Yes, let them compete across state lines, fine. But not a race to the bottom. Set minimum federal standards because we’ve seen over and over again that the recipients of health insurance don’t know what they are buying very often. Until there are common standards, minimal standards, then people are going to be taken. And that is what’s happened over and over again.
Will: There you have the premise of this legislation and the core of today’s liberalism: the American people are such dopes they can’t be counted upon to buy their own insurance.

And it is exactly this snobbish, aristocratic, arrogant attitude that the American people are rejecting. Liberal democrats/Obamacare supporters basically presume the reason Obamacare is so unpopular is because we are too stupid to understand why we don’t want the federal government running our health care and we are too stupid to know how to buy our own health insurance. According to these people, we are too dumb to realize that a federally ran health care industry will revitalize the industry, lower health care costs, decrease the deficit, create jobs, and all the other baseless, counterfactual, talking points they have been using since before the first time they couldn’t pass it. Insurance company-bashing has been a prevailing element for the last several weeks too, as if companies that profit from health care are fundamentally evil.
I hate to have to insult the intelligence of my vast and fine readership, but apparently I need to make a statement to clear the air concerning opposition to Obamacare.

Being anti-Obamacare does not automatically equate to being anti-health care reform. This is a boring and counterfactual claim liberal democrats love to throw around.

Of course Americans want reform, but we want REAL reform. Write a bill that will help bring down the cost of health care, insure more Americans without becoming a massive entitlement program, and establish measures for tort reform. How about writing a bill that does not have a provision for federally funded abortions, or a bill that doesn’t insure illegal aliens living in the country?
The majority of the country is quite clearly adamantly opposed to giving our entire health care system over to the federal government – roughly 16% of our entire economy. We all know the government’s track record running massive entitlement programs and bureaucracies – failure! Not only does the government fail miserably in running massive entitlement programs (social security and medicare are bankrupt) but they the programs seem to have a nasty way of gradually getting larger and larger, encompassing more and more, ultimately leaving less and less of your liberties intact.

Some analogies:
Line up 100 Brits and 100 Americans– have them smile – and YOU tell me what teeth you like better…
Find 100 terminally ill cancer patients in Canada and ask them, if they had the choice, where they would like to receive treatment …
Starting to catch my point?

Why haven’t the democrats in Congress made any effort toward writing a bill that will actually lower health insurance premium costs instead of attempting a comprehensive health care industry takeover? Why haven’t they entertained republican ideas which introduce fair market principles to the health care industry by opening cross state competition? Fundamental economic principles teach us competition drives costs down, while at the same time, delivers increases in innovation and invention. Why doesn’t the Obama administration just admit they are trying to ram a health care industry takeover through without the consent of the People?

Because, it is all part of the plan. Don’t get me wrong, I am not an aspiring conspiracy theorist: I am a realist; I can read the writing on the wall.
Like millions of other Americans that are worried about the current direction of the country, I can read between the lines of the Obama administration’s vision for hope and change in America. The vision is an America with government running virtually every aspect of our lives – an America with a limited private sector, diminished strength in the world, and entitlement programs encompassing everything from what car you drive to where you go to school to how you get your health care. Sure it sounds great to say Americans are entitled to these things, but at what cost?

Furthermore, since when do Americans have to be dependant on the federal government for a living? Here is the rock-solid truth: the government does not create anything in and of itself – the private sector does. Although I personally wouldn’t dream of attempting entrepreneurialism under the current economic conditions and political climate, entrepreneurs and free market principles are the creators of jobs and wealth. Government jobs, programs, and entitlements use tax dollars. It is a transfer of money – basically a wash (actually in America’s case a deficit). The bottom line is, government does not, nor has it ever created wealth, nor can it truly stimulate the economy. What the government SHOULD do to stimulate the economy is get out of it, and bring the out-of-control spending to a screeching halt! Loosen up on corporations and small business, and yes, give them tax breaks and incentives to grow, and for the love of God and all that was once great about American Exceptionalism – stop trying to take over the entire health care industry!.
Unfortunately, these are concepts that many Americans do not fully grasp, and as a byproduct of our ignorance and apathy, government has been able to grow to a size and scope that it was never supposed to reach.

Obamacare lies debunked:
We debunked the lie they attempted to force feed us about the alleged “40-some million people” in the United States that do not have health insurance. Just do some research on this – the actual number of uninsured, legal citizens, who actually want health insurance but cannot afford it is less than 6% of this fabricated 40-plus million lie.
We debunked the lie of “no federally funded abortions.” The language in the bill clearly states otherwise. In pure black and white on page 2071, lines 10-18 of H.R. 3590, look it up for yourself if you dont believe me.

We debunked the lie “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor”. Under Obamacare, your doctor may not even be practicing anymore.

We debunked the lie of “80% of Americans like their doctor, not their insurance”. No – 80% of Americans with health insurance like their health insurance. Of course we like our doctors. If we don’t, guess what, we find a new one: Something that we will not be able to do under Obamacare.

Plea to any legislators on the fence about Obamacare:

Although the American people are against a government takeover of our health care system, (just look at any major accredited pole available) we are not against true health care reform. We only ask that you do what is right and good for the country and stop the government’s attempt to take the health care industry over.
The opposition to this bill -- the majority of the American people, are not stupid. We do not oppose this government takeover attempt because we don’t know what it entails; we are against it because we know EXACTLY what it entails. You were elected to listen to your bosses, the American people whom you represent in Washington. If you decide to ignore what we want, we will take appropriate action to ensure you never represent us in a legislative or political capacity again!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Teabaggers Beware…

This is just too funny; I couldn't resist!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Oh Tiger, My Tiger

The intention of this letter is NOT to focus judgment on the sins of Tiger Woods, or any other celebrity for that matter. I want to pose a question:

Since when does Tiger Woods, or any sports figure or celebrity owe you and I an apology?

Sure, adultery is wrong, and should always be labeled wrong in society – always has. However, when did society decide that celebrities need to publically punctuate apologies for their uncouth behavior? I don’t feel I am owed an apology. I didn’t all-of-a-sudden start having crappy days ever since the last chapter of Tiger-infidelity came out. I certainly don’t think my 83 year old Grandpa is losing sleep over it. I don’t think Tiger directly wronged the guy down the street who just bagged my groceries; yet I guess according to the Lame stream media, I could be wrong. That guy down at the grocer could be so hurt, so offended, so utterly heart broken and miserable over what Tiger did that he desperately needs an apology.
Ya… Ya, right.

Actually, I do not so much believe that society demands apologies from celebrities as the Lame stream media does.
In my opinion, I see the root of the issue being how the media treats us – how it tells us what to believe. It forces a deception in our faces and in our living rooms that whatever they flash across the screen is what you and I need to be concerning ourselves with. In reality, I believe Americans are (or should be) more concerned with the rock-solid concepts of life such as faith, family, home, kids, and career, rather than the sand of celebrity drama and who happens to be going into “sex-addiction rehab” this week.

I don’t give a crap about Tiger Woods apologizing to us. Furthermore, and I know some will disagree with me here, I feel true role models are parents. Parents and teachers to a lesser degree, but definitely parents. Of course Tiger is a household name and should not have been living his life like an out of control frat boy, but who are we to pass judgment! Moreover, it is the parents at home who should be teaching the kids that his behavior was wrong. I also want to point out how the media usually viciously condemns the individual rather than the behavior. We are all sinners. None of us are perfect and therefore none of us have room to cast stones at anyone; however, the Lame stream media has honed its stone-throwing practices to a virtual art form. If you are not a staunch democrat or publically liberal and you so much as breath in the wrong direction, they will pounce on you like a frenzied cat, eviscerating every ounce of character you thought you had. Contrastingly, if you are a democrat or flaming liberal – then your crude behavior is generally promptly forgiven, and in many cases praised. Hell, sometimes you are even exalted as one of Americas finest. Just look at David Letterman and Bill Clinton – both men adulterers with women half their age – both men forgiven by the media and looked up to. Hey, but it’s ok, they're liberal democrats – hip, smart and funny! Role models for youth!

Pure unbridled hypocrisy at its finest! **finger in mouth gesture followed by puking sounds…***
Just another mind-numbing example of the double standard, two faced, hypocrisy that is perpetually flowing from the left.
Anyway, Tiger, God will forgive you, just repent and seek Him. The media however will not, so I am sorry you had to pointlessly apologize to millions of people whom you did absolutely nothing to.
Now, get back on the links so I can have something to take a nap to on Sunday afternoons…

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Mother Nature and Environmentalist Global Warming Alarmists Don't See Eye to Eye

NASA scientists have determined that the earthquake in Chile on Feb. 27th has likely shifted the earth’s axis by three inches. This is in comparison to the same model they used to determine the Sumatra earthquake of 2004 shifted the earth’s axis by two and three quarters inches.
My only question:
How long before this is blamed on Bush? Seriously! I predict there will be some totally deranged, liberal, whack-jobs out there that will make murmurings about how in some crazy, sick, twisted way, Bush was behind this sinister plot to shift the earths axis with a series of extremely destructive earthquakes in an effort to debunk the man made climate change alarmists forever.

Because, you know, if we cannot control Mother Nature (as Obama just said this week in response to the Chile quake), objectively speaking, any man made counter action to man made global warming is a total sham anyway – right? Realistically speaking – I am not even trying to be sarcastic here.
We can't control Mother Nature – the President of the United States just said it – so why the hell are they claiming that climate change/global warming is induced by human beings, more specifically, American human beings with our large SUV’s, wasteful lifestyles, fat butts, and addiction to oil. By the way, the oil thing is foreign oil because the same nut-jobs that chastise our use of oil scream and carry on about how we can’t use our own domestic oil due to their claim that (insert whiny, nasally, snotty voice here) – “it’s too destructive for the environment.” But importing it from outside the U.S. at the cost of American jobs and billions of our dollars is apparently just fine.

Let’s follow this rabbit down the hole further…
If we cant control Mother Nature, why are they claiming that we can reverse this man made global warming/climate change disaster by legislating how we live our lives, drive our cars, eat our food, light our homes, flush our toilets, etc, etc, etc.

I just want to see if I have this right…
According to the environmentalist crazies and global warming alarmists, human beings are responsible for climate change and/or global warming. However, Obama just said that we cannot control Mother Nature, (one of the most logical things he has said since he was inaugurated as President).
The very rational and common sense sentiment that claims human beings cannot control nature is in direct conflict with the preposterous notion that we are to blame for climate change. But wait! The very same wackos that claim we are responsible for changing the earth’s climate also claim we can redirect nature from this fabricated path of destruction we have beset it upon – thus the attempts to control nearly every aspect of our lives in the name of an environmental crisis.

What a load of dung! Not only is it a load of dung, it has been roundly scientifically debunked, and I would be happy to write an entire article dedicated to how the “evidence” for man made global warming has been utterly debunked by science, and furthermore how these nut-jobs who project their “findings” on to the public have done so fraudulently on more than one occasion. Global warming, specifically man made global warming, is nothing more than liberal-code for "tax and control". Because that is all they attempt to do while standing on their shaky at best soap box of the global warming fraud. Actually, now that I think about it, I do need to dedicate a whole article to showing the evidence that debunks this environmental alarmism crap...

Mother Nature just dealt a painful slap to the face of man made global warming or climate change with the recent Chile quake. She is saying, “See, I do whatever I want, whenever I want, and if the climate changes or the earth’s axis moves because of what I do – so be it!”

Like I said, these environmentalist zealots are going to be the same nutters that will blame Bush for these catastrophic earthquakes, and you know what the scary thing is? They will truly believe themselves…