Monday, July 13, 2009

Here a Czar, There a Czar, Everywhere a Czar, Czar

33 Czars and Counting.

If you have been apathetic about the current administrations destructive behavior thus far you might want to open your eyes sometime soon. Obama has appointed over 30 people to fabricated, made-up positions of executive authority. WAKE UP AMERICA! This pompous, power-hungry President has bestowed executive clout to over 30 people. They answer to NO ONE but the President. They are non-elected officials with total impunity from congress. Most of their positions are already covered by Cabinet Secretaries, not to mention parallel positions in the States so they create a lot of overlap and waste. They do not undergo Senate Confirmation Hearings, they are purely appointed by Obama. They have total executive backing, support, and reign for the positions which they hold, yet, we the people – the American voters, have absolutely no say in the matter. Furthermore, we have no idea who these people actually are or how their credentials make them qualified for a presidential appointment to an executive position with zero accountability. We can already logically deduce what kind of ideological frame of mind these people hail from politically. They were hand picked by the most left leaning President in history. This country is in desperate need of some checks and balances.
I really don’t think this would be worth writing about if it were not for the sheer number of these appointees. That, and how anonymous and seemingly unaccountable they get to be. I know those of you Statists reading this are already teeming with some liberal-drivel counter points. Hold on, don’t get your pinko-panties in a bunch just yet, I’m not through developing my case. Besides, you guys will run to Obama’s defense EVERY TIME regardless of the issue simply because your own pride or ignorance won’t allow you to admit you helped vote in this current mistake.
Look at the incredibly high number of Czars Obama has appointed and the speed at which he is turning them out. It’s more bureaucracy, which means more over-paid, marginally qualified, government do-nothings, who speak in lofty politically correct fluff, accomplish little, and cost you and I big bucks. Now I know the whole ‘Czar’ thing is nothing new in Washington. You lefties who will defend Obama to your very death are saying “He’s the President, big deal, he gets to pick who works with him, every President does.” I’m not so easily duped. This is a sly way to govern without being held accountable to congress. And it’s not like he has only appointed a few. At this rate we will have over three dozen of these guys by the end of the year. Intelligence and logic dictate that one needs to be asking the question “Why?” Why do we need to be giving control of so much to so many of these people we know nothing about? Liberal-drivel counter point: “I don’t see you complaining about Bush’s Czars!” Response: Ya. He only had four! FOUR! Do some research, Regan appointed one. Bush 41 only had one. Even Clinton only had three. Come on! I’m no super genius, but I am smart enough to notice that we are on a run-away ship with an out of control government at the helm. And you better get your concerns voiced now. At this rate, we are going to have an “Objection Pacification Czar” by this time next year. I am not joking.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Uncle Sam and the Canned Sham of a Security Plan

Uncle Sam has been in the ring with terrorism for a long time now. Granted he has taken his hits; even went down for a few seconds after the hit he took in 2001. But he came back stronger in the next round. He came back swinging. Up until now he has been doing a pretty damn good job of keeping his guard up and swinging strong. Up until now he hasn’t given terrorism a chance to deal another stinging blow. Up until now he has had sound coaching from mentors that want to see him stay safe, and ultimately, win the fight. Up until now…
For the last eight years we have had our guard up against those that would seek to destroy us. For the last eight years we have been actively fighting those that want to kill us. We have been routing out, capturing, killing, or bringing to justice those that conceive plans to bring the U.S. to her knees.
For the last eight years we have benefited from an administration that manifested a genuine interest in our Nation’s security. *Wait.* I am getting ahead of myself. Allow me to interject my disclaimer for those of you who are already feeling the bile of The Bush Derangement Syndrome dying to spew out of you: I do not care about what the myopic mush brains have to say about their nit-witted Bush Conspiracy Theories, “blood for oil”, or all that other insipid, useless, over-killed-in-the-Liberal-Media garbage! Here is MY opinionated bias on that matter: Put down your bong long enough to rub the crap out of your eyes, pull your head out of your rear, and actually look at what is going on around you.

In less than 6 months, as a country, we have gone from being proactive in keeping ourselves terrorist-attack-free to completely putting our guard down and leaving ourselves open to destruction.
Here are some of the things our current administration is doing for National Security:
• Giving terrorists Miranda Rights.
• Releasing terrorists incarcerated outside of the country to inside the country.
• Informing the terrorists of exactly what our interrogation methods are.
• Eliminating what weak interrogation methods we actually had.

Giving Miranda Rights to terrorists:
Under the current administration, (who by the way are living in a total fantasy world, with happy little gnomes, rainbow water-falls, and unicorn filled gum-drop pastures) terrorists that would like nothing more than for you and your family to burn and die now have Miranda Rights. That is correct. And you know what the first Miranda Right is? A little something called “The right to remain SILENT”. Well that’s just awesome. Not only does a captured terrorist not want to divulge any plots of destruction in the first place, he is totally encouraged to keep his mouth shut by having the RIGHT to stay quiet. Oh, and by the way, Mr. I-Want-All-Americans-to-Burn-in-Hell, here is an attorney, complements of the American taxpayer! Did you know that under the Geneva Convention enemy combatants dressed in civilian clothes can be instantly executed? No reading of rights, no saying “Hey terrorist, it’s in your best interest to keep you mouth shut, oh, and if you don’t have a lawyer, we’ll get one for ya!” So, in a time of war, National Security on the line, innocent civilians and American troops dying, we are giving rights to the very people that want to destroy us. How backwards is that? But, what do you expect from an administration that axed the use of the terms "Enemy Combatant" and “Gobal War on Terror” and invented the meaningless politically correct mush of "Overseas Contingency Operation."

Releasing terrorists incarcerated outside of the country to inside the country:
I don’t know why we just don’t come out and say it:
“Give me your tired, your poor, your deranged masses of religious zealots yearning to destroy all those that breathe free air.”
Seriously! Somebody explain to me in an intelligent manner what the strategic and tactical benefits of releasing dangerous terrorists into the lower 48 States are? Hmmm, kind of stumped aren’t you. You know why? Because there aren’t any intelligent reasons! This was nothing more than a campaign promise Obama made. He didn’t actually have any kind of plan in mind; he was just saying crap to get a few votes! And now that he got elected, he has to follow through. This campaign promise wasn’t vague and elusive like “hope” and “change”. This one actually had a tangible consequence. Even if these terrorists were transferred to some maximum security penitentiary in the US, it’s still the fact that it is IN the US that is the security risk. These guys are currently incarcerated 400 miles away from the US border. How does moving them any closer, let alone in our back yard make Americans any safer?

And guess what? This is only the beginning. We have three and a half more years of this blind, pompous, naïve, nut-less administration.
In early 2002 research indicated that the terrorist attacks of September 11th 2001 took five years to plan. What do you think the Jihadists have been planning lately? What are they planning for three to four years down the road? Do you really have the confidence in our current administration to keep us safe? What kind of fuel has Obama already given them? He parades around the world apologizing for us. I for one yearn for an American President. One who has a proud heart for this land, the people, and will stand up for this country. One who is not afraid to draw a line in the sand, say “enough is enough”, and do what is right for America instead of doing what is politically correct, absorbing all the ego messaging from the pathetic sycophants in the main stream media.