Thursday, April 22, 2010

Leftist Smear Tactics

How low will sleaze-bag liberals stoop to marginalize, mischaracterize, and bring discredit to anyone who does not think/feel the way they do?

Apparently they are willing to lie and misrepresent themselves in order to bring erroneous discredit upon others. is such a group. Forget constructive, civil, intelligent means of disagreeing such as, oh I don’t know, DEBATE.

Oh no, sympathizers are dedicated to infiltrating the TEA parties as if they were like-minded yet misrepresenting themselves in various moronic, racist, and potentially damaging ways in an effort to damage and discredit. Aren’t these people lovely? Basically, these people are willing to make complete asses of themselves simply because they do not agree with the TEA parties or the people that do.

Jason Levin, creator of was quoted in AP as saying
"Do I think every member of the tea party is a homophobe, racist or a moron? No, absolutely not. Do I think most of them are homophobes, racists or morons? Absolutely."

And there you have it folks: The ugly underbelly of the left. I wish I knew a whole bunch of these people, they sound like they would make wonderful friends! They think they are so much better than you; anything you believe in has got to be stupid, moronic, racist, or out-dated, right? They are not even willing to take tea partiers to task and construct civil debates or create opportunities for exchange of thoughts on the issues. They just childishly seek to destroy using sleazy tactics. And why not? You are nothing more than a dumb, uneducated, red-neck, racist-gun-freak out to spew your hate against Obama and his administration simply because he is not a republican and he’s black… (Well, half-black anyway) The Lame Stream media has labeled you as such, so it has to be true! Right?

Right now, leftists – and I don’t just mean liberals I’m talking about the True Believers – are in a state of flux. They are currently in a form of denial because their Oracle – The Chosen One – is not blindly supported by all, and of course in their emotional opinions, people who do not support Obama and his administration must be monumentally stupid or racist or both.

As a matter of fact, Obama’s approval numbers are reaching record lows for the first term of any President. It’s not just the TEA Parties – people are on to this administration's divisive tactics and aristocratic, arrogant view of themselves. People know that there is not a single person working in the White House that ever worked in the private sector – you know – the Real World, where you actually create wealth, drive the economy, run a business, meet a payroll etc.

The TEA Parties send leftists into a complete state of irritation and anger because leftists do not know how to debate facts. They use emotion in their arguments, rarely logic. So rather than actually debate they attempt to smear, suppress, marginalize and discredit their opposition.

For a relevant example, look at the April 19th article in the New York Times former President Bill Clinton wrote. The article appears to be a remembrance letter of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. However, halfway through, the article takes a turn and jumps on the “everyone who disagrees with the current political climate is a terrorist” band-wagon that the left has recently created out of desperation. Basically he marks anyone who does not fully support our current politicians in power as violent, fringe-crazies – that we need to be watchful of these people as they are probably prone to committing horrible terrorist acts much like Timothy McVeigh did. Gee, thanks for the partisan low-blow Bill, your insight is as enlightening as it is nausiating. I think your article would have worked better if you were actually a King or better yet, some sort of deity. But as it is, you are not a King, and whenever you talk-down to the general public, especially when you did nothing to calm the clamor against your predecessor for eight years, people take notice, and guess what? They don’t like it!

This is one of the many reasons our lefty media is going the way of the Dodo. People are getting tired of their crap, plain and simple.

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Rape of America

From American Thinker 04/07/2010:

The Rape of America

Thursday, April 1, 2010

A Page From the Painfully Obvious

I saw a vehicle today with a multitude of marginalizing and misguided bumper-stickers such as: “Free Palestine from the occupation”, “Free speech means questioning those that are free”.
I can’t remember all of them – there had to be at least a dozen.

I was moved by the staggeringly backwards mind-set that the bumper-stickers were proudly projecting.
So painfully obvious was the fact that this person had to be distinctly ignorant, or anti-Semitic, or both. Palestine is a terrorist group. Anyone arguing otherwise is a Palestinian or just plain ignorant.
Furthermore, aside from the painfully obvious ignorance and prejudice of the bumper-stickers, the stench of radical-leftism reeked from the vehicle; the kind of pungent stink that could only come from a true believer. This type of aficionado mind-set kept people believing the world was flat long after mathematics proved otherwise.

“Free speech means questioning those that are free” implies a myriad of mischaracterizations of genuine “free speech”. Such blathering is to be expected from one who proudly endorses Palestine – an organization which tramples and despises free speech, personal freedom, and civil rights as Western evils that are to be eradicated.

In truth, free speech means exactly what it describes – the freedom to speak or communicate. It implies nothing inside the realm of only speaking to or “questioning” those who are free. Free speech -- referring to questioning those that are free -- automatically indicates that the one doing the questioning is inherently not free.

Does this message indicate that one is to question freedom -- that free speech questions freedom? Communists would emphatically say: YES! Furthermore, they would use that argument to limit the speech of the people. History is clear on this point.
Regardless of what it is supposed to convey, any scenario that I could decipher from that ridiculous bumper-sticker was insipid and common senseless at best.

As a Marine and someone who has been deployed overseas in service of our extraordinary country, I find myself feeling sorry for the poor sap driving the vehicle tattooed with several mind-numbing and unintelligent slogans.

This person clearly has no idea what Authentic American values are, how much Americans have sacrificed to keep our values and beliefs alive in our country – how much we have sacrificed for the good of other nations, or how to articulate what being an American means.

They clearly know exactly how to articulate anti-American beliefs and values. More depressing though is the idea that by virtue of knowing how to articulate anti-American values one may fundamentally know what authentic American values are and simply reject or disdain them.

And that is why the battle for America is not against any country or group outside our boarders. It is against the left – right here within our own boarders.