Wednesday, June 16, 2010

With Apologies and Double Standards For All

When President Obama invited the President of Mexico, Felipe Calderón, to the White House and allowed him to lecture the United States on his opinion regarding Arizona’s recent decision to enforce illegal immigration law, Obama revealed an ugly fly in the ointment of his appeasement policy regarding foreign affairs – a double standard that can no longer go unnoticed.

During his “apology for America” tour Obama revealed he was of the belief no country had the right to tell another country what to do – and yet at Obama's beckon, Calderón stood on American soil and chastised the US for Arizona’s attempt at enforcing federal law regarding illegal immigration. Deepening the double standard, in the midst of his apology tour Obama directly told Israel not to build settlements on their own land.

I contend – through logic and common sense – even the most hardened liberal can easily point out the glaring contradictions Obama has presented in his actions and reactions when it comes to representing America and interacting with other nations – namely Israel.

Moreover, Obama has dangerously shown much hesitance in “telling” Iran through hard-line sanctions not to build weapons designed to wipe nations from the face of the earth – a much more atrocious action than building settlements on land one doesn’t need to seek permission to build upon. Unfortunately for Americans (yet fortunately for those that wish us harm) Obama has not even shown much interest in condemning radical factions and regimes that have declared war on us and our allies.

It seems The President is more concerned with beating the “blame America first” drum than standing in defense of our constitution, sovereignty, and friends. This type of depressing behavior does nothing but discourage Americans and encourage our enemies. What can be said about a country whose Commander in Chief apologizes profusely to other nations for his country’s influence and strength in the world, snubs his only ally in the Middle East, and most recently, condemns a State law which enforces already existing federal law?

Although I do not think it is fair to say Obama hates America, I feel it’s accurate to say he does not speak with the conviction and passion of one who holds authentic American love and loyalty in his heart. In my observation, Obama’s default manner and conduct is to identify with people that have grievances with America, and in my humble opinion as an American citizen and Marine veteran, he sympathizes with these types of people far too much for an American President.

The whole business regarding Arizona enforcing federal immigration law polarizes people because it reveals an ugly truth among Americans. Some view national security, protecting our boarders, and enforcing federal law as paramount to our Nation's sovereignty. Others do not. Our President and his administration seem to be of the later persuasion.

The issue of boarder security is not whether immigrants are good or bad people – as the left on the issue so adamantly stress -- nor is the issue whether law enforcement officials will all-of-a-sudden start perpetrating mindless random racial profiling of anyone not of a light skin tone now that they can finally enforce immigration law in their state.
The root of the issue is enforcement of the law, or apathy of law enforcement. Realistically speaking, the only people I have found concerned with making this an issue about race are the very people attempting to divide people on the subject by using their emotional opinions regarding race. By creating an erroneous pretext by using race as the fuel for their agenda they divert and avoid hitting the brass-tacks on the issue: Do we enforce our laws or do we not? Any village idiot can make this issue about race, but common sense loving people prefer not to bother themselves with witless arguments on this multifaceted issue.

Let me make one thing very clear: Like millions of Americans who believe in American Exceptionalism and authentic American values, I view immigration to this country as a good thing. Yes, I am pro immigration. As Dr. Bill Bennett would say, America is the last best hope for humanity, and I agree with him. Obviously millions of immigrants in this country agree with him as well. The elegant meaning of the Latin motto E Pluribus Unum: many uniting into one, proudly graces our nation’s Official Seal. Our currency also carries the motto as a constant reminder: Out of many, we are one.

As a responsible American citizen however, I also support federal law as it pertains to immigrants obtaining citizenship legally. The bottom line is: dissent to the Arizona law from anyone, whether from a President of a nation or an actual illegal alien basically advocates lawlessness. Furthermore, groaning about enforcement of federal immigration law is a slap in the face to the millions of law-abiding immigrants who had the dream, integrity, honor, and fortitude to become an American citizen legally – for it is not a capricious task.

I have read Arizona SB 1070 and find it completely reasonable. I contend any reasonable person who actually takes the fifteen minutes required to read it would agree with me. Although the law itself will not do much to curtail illegal immigration, it will -- as an enforcement law -- provide law enforcement officials the much needed legal recourse to do what our tax dollars pay for – enforce the law!

I find it utterly astounding that high-profile public officials such as President Obama, President of Mexico, Felipe Calderón, and even Attorney General Holder have publicly opposed the Arizona law without even knowing what the law says or does. And calling for a boycott of Arizona commerce or business is as juvenile as it is disgusting. Anyone advocating this type of behavior is advocating lawlessness, illegality, and perpetuating a gross perversion of a state’s right to protect itself. Prematurely and unjustly jumping to the liberally-conceived and divisive conclusion that this issue is about race reveals one’s ignorance on the matter.

Is this really what the present administration has reduced us to? Are we so divided and categorized through fabrications of the media’s propaganda that we cannot see clearly the root or truth of an issue? This type of dismal behavior is simply appalling, especially coming from a President who ran a campaign on Hope and Change and bringing people together.

The federal government is charged with protecting our boarders – it is in our constitution. Arizona enacting a very popular law that helps enforce current federal immigration law is necessary and just; however, it also sheds light on how big a problem illegal immigration is in our country when a state enacts a law that the White House condemns and federal government refuses to enforce.

I would like to offer a vigorous salute to Arizona for SB 1070. Immigration has never a problem in America; however, Illegal immigration is a major problem, and I am proud of Arizona for stepping in the right direction regarding a sensitive yet important issue. Regardless of the dissent and mischaracterization coming from the left and the current occupants of the White House, I sincerely hope Arizona’s decision to make a concerted effort to do something about illegal immigration will positively influence illegal immigration reform. Those that would try to besmirch supporters of SB 1070 as racist-right-wing-nut jobs are wrong in every connotation of reasonability and rationale.