Friday, January 22, 2010

Severely Out of Touch

I’ve said it before – although I do not agree with the majority of what Obama and his administration are doing, I do not feel it is wise to just disagree with Obama on everything just for disagreement sake. I know a lot of conservative talking heads out there portray an “anti-Obama” attitude, all the time – well, much like what liberal democrats did to Bush and his administration. Because I am not an entertainer on the radio who needs good ratings, nor am I a politician who needs the approval of voters to keep my job, I feel I should primarily concern myself with the issues and not wasting too much of my energy and time on Obama-bashing.

However, when I read interviews like the one Obama just had with George Stephanopoulos (another fellow lib) on Jan. 20th I cringe, and can’t help but fire back. Throughout the interview, the President once again demonstrated how entirely out of touch he truly is in comprehending American values and what is really going on in the country. It is like he is tone-deaf – sure he can sing, but he just can’t get the notes right.

Here is what I mean:
TRANSCRIPT: George Stephanopoulos' Exclusive Interview with President Obama January 20, 2010 6:30 PM
STEPHANOPOULOS: “So you saw it coming by then?” (Referring to the election of Senator Scott Brown ( R ) Massachusetts.)
Obama: “…The same thing that swept Scott Brown into office swept me into office. People are angry, and they're frustrated. Not just because of what's happened in the last year or two years, but what's happened over the last eight years…”
Whoa, whoa, back up. Let me get this straight: he just blamed Scott Brown getting elected on Bush? Unbelievable! This is about as valid as O.J. saying he isn’t an angry guy…
The voters of Massachusetts did not reject the democratic nominee because they were angry with the Bush years, they voted for Scott Brown because they are angry at YOU Mr. President! They sent a message to the current administration and to the country that they are rejecting far-left liberal policy, and would like the country to come back into balance. And God bless them for doing so!
Republicans did not vote Scott Brown into office by the way. Massachusetts is comprised of less than 25% registered republicans, so all of you republican-hating, Bush-despising liberals can’t direct your anger and frustration at the party you so love to hate.
Scott Brown and Obama might share similar circumstance regarding people voting them in because they were angry and wanted change, but to then turn around and say they voted for Scott Brown because of the last eight years is just plain bizarre. People voted for Scott Brown to basically send the message that they do not approve of a far-left liberal democrat majority in Washington with cart blanch to enact any radical legislation they want. Once again, I am utterly astounded at our Presidents inability to accept any sort of blame for anything or admit that his policies are radical and unpopular. He continually treats the opposition to his policies as what is radical -- not worthy of any real consideration.

He goes on to make a statement completely outside of the realm of reality:

Obama: “And, you know, if there's one thing that I regret this year, is that we were so busy just getting stuff done and dealing with the immediate crises that were in front of us, that I think we lost some of that sense of speaking directly to the American people about what their core values are and why we have to make sure those institutions are matching up with those values…”

What is he talking about? He got more face time with the country than Leno and Conan combined. Obama was on TV more in 2009 than any other President in history! Every time he picked his nose the media was following him like a screaming teenage fan of the latest American Idol. Every time Obama scratched his butt he threw a press conference about it.
Let me interpret what Obama really is saying here: “Unfortunately, you Americans are so stupid you don’t know what you believe in, so basically, I have to tell you what to believe in, and even though I got more face time with the public than George Clooney, you still don’t get it…”

In reality Mr. President, the American people know exactly what their core values are – it is you who does not. Nor do you share our core values, and in 2010, we will prove it!

A Real Life Scenario

I work in the financial industry – for a Credit Union actually. Working in this industry, coupled with my understanding of economics from my Business Degree, I feel I have a fairly good grasp on market mechanism movers and what stimulates the economy.

Over the last year, I witnessed first-hand how consumer confidence in the market has plummeted. People have flooded the banks with deposits – getting their money out of the market – and saving instead of spending. People are upset, and they tend to pick the path of least resistance when it comes to blame. They blame the banks, and they blame those big bad, out-to-get-you corporations. It isn’t helping anything that we have a President in office assigning blame to everybody except where blame is actually due -- to bad government policy and legislation which in reality goes back to the Clinton years.

Describing how the current economic crisis came to pass would actually take a whole separate article, which I may oblige at a later date, but for now – suffice it to say that government was actually the main culprit for the bad economy – not just the banks or corporations. Liberals incessantly cry about how horrible banks and corporations are, when in reality, banks and corporations are actually some of the best job creators, producers, creators, innovators of technology, and stimulators of our economy. Inhibiting our job creators and producers with high taxes, stifling regulations, and disincentive to excel in the market just hurts the middle and lower class – the very people the Democratic Party claim to represent.

Anyway, at work, I respond to members emails. I have to share this email and my response. This member wrote because he was upset over the fact that interest rates on deposit accounts are so low. I hope my response made him think a little…

Here is the email:
“Every month, without fail, like clockwork you drop your interest rate on my money market. This really starts to look contrived, to gradually eliminate the interest completely. I would like to see just one month when you don't automatically lower it. The bad economy only goes so far as an excuse.”

My response:

Dear Member:

Thank you for your correspondence. I apologize if you feel that it is “contrived” that the Credit Union and financial institutions have had to lower interest rates on deposit accounts over the past year. The Credit Union's interest rates on deposit accounts is still well above the national average. Our lowest rate on a Money Market account right now is .5% while the national average is .32%. Although I know low interests rates are not desirable to consumers, low interest rates on deposit accounts are a sign of low consumer confidence in the market. Until people start to increase their spending and taking money out of savings, you can expect to see interest rates at very low numbers.
Contrastingly, if you see a financial institution offering uncharacteristically high interest rates it is actually a sign that they are in desperate need of liquidity and funds. Thus, it is a signal that their financial viability and solvency is precarious. As a member of the Credit Union, you are an owner, which means we take your opinion and concerns seriously. We are in no way attempting to restrict interest rates on members just because we want to. Once consumer confidence rises and people start spending more you will see interest rates increase.
I recommend making a concerted effort to help elect legislators and politicians that actually help consumers stimulate the economy by providing incentive to spend. When legislators enact policy that increases taxes, hinders small business, and inflates government programs, consumer confidence and spending dwindle.
Please feel free to call the Credit Union at ***-***-**** or ***-***-*** and a representative will be happy to help you further. We appreciate your business and continued support of the Credit Union. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.

Thank you,

Noah Kline
Member Representative

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Conservatism Rising

I couldnt have said it better myself. This is a great read. The truth behind this article cannot be denied.

Conservatism Rising

A Line in the Sand

The time for choosing is before us. I believe push has come to shove, and the line has been drawn. You are either on the side of American prosperity and safety or you are not. You support American prosperity and safety, or you support the current administration. There is no middle ground anymore. Maybe there never was, but the political pragmatist in me made me think that it was not possible for any one administration to be as detrimental to the country as this one.

The single most important directive the President of the United States is charged with is the protection of American Citizens. The last 12 months evidence for this administrations apathetic and destructive attitude toward national security is alarming to say the least. The Fort Hood terrorist attack not being categorized as such is not only alarming but astounding. The administrations response to the most recent terrorist attack of a Jet liner is not only astounding, but actually scary.

Many administrations have failed at various times and over various issues throughout our history. No leader or administration has ever pleased everybody regarding all issues. But no previous administration has ever accomplished so much toward the dismantling of our countries security as the Obama administration.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt, while I contest the notion that his New Deal helped America during the Great Depression; I applaud what he did with Nazi Enemy Combatants. He had them tried in a military tribunal, sentenced to death, and promptly hung! Bravo! Justice served in an expedient and memorable manner. Political leaders at the time did not bestow American citizen rights to the war criminals. They did not provide them with American attorneys advising them to cease their communication. They properly served justice upon war criminals and murderers.

First of all, what Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab did on a Detroit-bound Northwest Airliner on Christmas Day 2009 was not an “attempted terrorist attack” as the Obama administration and Lame Stream Media have claimed. There was nothing attempted about it – it happened, and Abdulmutallab succeeded. Just because nobody was killed (thank God --yes GOD --, not the murderous Allah) does not mean this attack was only an attempt. Attempted murder – yes -- attempted terrorist attack -- no. He succeeded. The system did not work, and once again under this administration, we look like incompetent, weak, lackadaisical fools.
Second, why are we giving this terrorist and attempted murderer rights afforded to American citizens? He does not deserve or qualify for such rights. He is not an American citizen. He has demonstrated that he does not heed or care about American rights. We just gave a non-citizen who attempted to bring death and destruction to other innocent people rights and benefits afforded to American citizens. Talk about aiding the enemy – not only are we helping those that seek to destroy us, we are giving them defense attorneys!
The time to wake up and act is now. I do not care about political orientation, right versus left issues, and bickering between parties. I care about the safety of our country and right versus wrong. I care about the constitution and the American voice being heard and represented by our elected officials. American citizens need to do their job and fire those in office who fail to meet the standards for which they were elected. My prediction is that 2010 will be a political year of reckoning – a purging of politicians who have abandoned their most sacred duty – to uphold the constitution and represent American citizens in a true and honorable manner.
We are tired of not being listened to. We are appalled at the radically left-of-center policy pouring out of Washington. We are astonished at the trillions of dollars being spent, wasted, and unaccounted for. We are sick of being lied to.

The country clearly wanted change, but it seems big government, big spending, and politics as usual is still the prevailing culture in Washington. We need to know our elected officials are doing everything they can to maintain our safety – not apologizing to the very nations that seek to cripple us.
For the sake of maintaining our position as a leader in the world, for the sake of future generations of Americans and for the sake of American Exceptionalism, we need to exercise our sacred right and duty to elect representatives who will ensure balance, heed the desires of the American people, and govern from the center.

In 1775 Patrick Henry was not afraid to make the bold assertion: “Give me liberty or give me death!” In 2010, we the People of The United States of America will boldly proclaim “You’re Fired!”
Our voice will be heard. Mark my words.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Dismantling America by Thomas Sowell on National Review Online

Dismantling America by Thomas Sowell on National Review Online

There are many people out there, much smarter than I, who can articulate what I believe in better than I can. A shining example is Dismantling America, Piece by Piece from Dr. Sowell posted 10/28/2009.
I tend not to reserve my blog for posting other peoples work, but Dr. Sowell hits the nail on the head in a very articulate yet simple way. Furthermore, Dr. Sowell is African American…

America Rising

Don’t worry; this isn’t right-wing-nut-job stuff. This is just a very good look at what every American should be concerning themselves with. Assuming of course you are not already in the tank with the current administrations destructive mindset – that America needs to be dismantled, hindered, weakened, apologized for and “changed” into a welfare state…