Friday, October 23, 2009

Think We Are Free? Think Again.

I generally try to find the time to read daily. An article on 10/22 by Jan LaRue titled: Obama Manipulates Media to Expel Fox brings home a very good example of just how much Obama lies. The more and more I see contradicting statements surface from Obama the more I can’t help but think, one: He actually has no clue of the things he has said in the past, or two: He is too arrogant to give a crap. I tend to agree with the later more. Obama is the ultimate example of someone who tirelessly speaks in the moment; which, in and of itself is not necessarily a bad thing for a public figure. However, Obama speaks as if whatever he has to say, about every issue, at whatever point in time he says it is pure Gold. Glaring contradictions that surface later be damned! A whole book can be devoted to his contradictions, and actually, my prediction is we will see the first one in print by next year if this administration hasn’t started book burning by then…
In her article Jan points out the following:
In honor of World Press Day, Obama said the following on May 1st of this year:
“Today, I lend my voice of support and admiration to all those brave men and women of the press who labor to expose truth and enhance accountability around the world. In so doing, I recall the words of Thomas Jefferson: "The basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter."

I guess all that lip service about “support and admiration” for members of the press who “expose truth and enhance accountability” was only meant for the networks that trip over themselves just to kneel before him and kiss his hand. Obama and his administration have made it clear that they do not revere Fox News as a genuine member of “the press”. I’m not trying to raise any panic alarms here, but seriously: WAKE THE HELL UP PEOPLE! They are not even trying to hide it. We are clearly experiencing an indictment on the United States Constitution and our First Amendment Rights stemming from the highest branch in government. I’m not stupid; I get the whole Party-Line political song and dance that dictates you try to belittle and discredit those that oppose you. But Fox news is merely doing its job. The Press is supposed to ask the hard questions, point out the hypocrisies, and take Big Government to task on issues where it seems to overstep its boundaries. Apparently, if you question anything coming from this administration, you are ostracized, scoffed at, and declared unfit to be listened to. America: We are being lulled to sleep by a President, White House, and corrupt-main-stream media that wants us to get in line or shut up, and when enough of us wake up and try to shake the yolk of tyranny off, we are going to wonder where our Liberty went.
Once again, I direct your attention to the glaring and unmistakable hypocrisy and double-standard stench reeking from the Left. If Dub-yuh had his administration declare war on CBS, or NBC, or any other of those liberal-rag networks that constantly barraged him with disdain, what do you think the out-come would be? They would crucify him! His head would be on a platter before all to see, and I wouldn’t be surprised to hear talk of impeachment.

Friday, October 9, 2009

This Just in...

Obama just received another Nobel Prize! Yes, two in one day! The only person in history to accomplish such a prestigious feat! He was just awarded a 2nd Nobel prize for his grand efforts in creating, cultivating, and distributing massive amounts of his own brand of industrial grade fertilizer to the people of America, and of the world over. Congratulations Mr. President!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Officer Does Not Like anti-Obama Poster:

If this isn’t eerie insight as to where the country is headed, I don’t know what is. A police officer at a peaceful, non-violent Town Hall Meeting protest is attempting to force a protestor to remove his sign. I don’t know if there are any city ordenences prohibiting this behavior; however, it appears this cop just didn’t like the protestors sign. So, peaceful, non-violent protest is conditional to party line allegiance now? Is an American citizen only allowed to protest as long as it does not question or confront Obama, or his current administration? The larger concept here is that this administration is polarizing people like never before, but it seems any opposition is being ostracized and diminished by the blind supporters. You should be outraged, and if your not, you are just another sheep being led to the slaughter. BLIND!.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Copenhagen: The Ego Has Landed

I have to say it: I chuckled fairly hardily at the onset of the 2016 Olympics going to Rio de Janeiro. Chicago didn’t even make it past the first round. In fact, Chicago received so few votes we can even say that Obama’s presents before Olympic committee members wasn’t necessary at all. Poor Obama, I hope they didn’t hurt his widdle feewings…The International Olympic Committee basically was like: “Oh, ya, and Obama, don’t let the door hit you on the way out big guy! And take Oprah with you, we don’t like the way she is constantly eyeing the snack bar…”
A certain word just keeps popping up in my head: KARMA. Our wonderful, all knowing, all saving, all promising, Supreme Leader has done nothing but trash America in front all the nations of the world since he took office. In a hasty and ill prepared act, the White House packed up and flew down to Copenhagen to lobby for the Olympic Games to be held in Chicago. Really? Obama doesn’t even fundamentally believe in American strength or authentic American values. He believes that we are a problem in the world.
So let me get this right, once again, my brain is having difficulty processing the hypocrisy and B.S. flowing from this administration. Obama parades around the world at various summit meetings and UN conferences, apologizes for America, yucks it up with tyrannical dictators, gives the finger to our allies in the middle east, goes on and on about how detrimental for the environment we are and how evil our capitalist economy is, etc, etc. But wait, wait, wait! Put the breaks on! America is good enough to be the international stage for the 2016 Olympics? In Barry’s home town of Chicago no less! Need I even go into detail about how blatantly contradictory this is? This whole situation reeks of political pacification and quid pro quo. Corrupt Chicago-style politics and community organizers (ACORN anybody?) did their damndest to help Obama get elected, now its time for him to pay back on the favor.
Let’s put this situation into perspective for a moment because the corrupt, Lame Stream Media fails miserably in objectively delivering the truth. There is a very real war going on that we are supposed to be attempting to win in Afghanistan, yet Obama has talked to the commander on the ground once in over two months. 263,000 more jobs were lost in September, unemployment is at 9.8% -- highest since 1983, yet Biden and the Obama administration in all their economic genius have been claiming victory over the recession. Iran is testing long-range missiles and apparently has nuke capability, and the crazy dictator nut-job Mahmoud Ahmadinejad even said that Obama’s speech at the UN vindicated his stance toward Israel.
Although all you out there still suffering from Bush Derangement Syndrome (including Obama apparently) do nothing but blame Bush for all of the nations foreign and domestic troubles, that insipid crap just isn’t going to work anymore. This whole Olympic issue is about priorities. We have a president that is clearly obsessed with two things: Himself, and how he is portrayed in the media. I remember during the campaign one of the most frustrating things about Obama was how he would refer to EVERY issue as his “number one issue”, or “one of my TOP priorities”. It seemed after listening to his debates that the man had two dozen “number one priorities”. Well, I wish we had a president that had some pro-American priorities. I wish we had a president that wasn’t completely consumed with HIS image and celebrity status. Did he really think he could just sweep through Copenhagen with Michelle and Oprah while his country was in crisis, float a few fluffy lines about hope and change, and they would welcome him with open arms? That they would cater to his every move like the brainwashed media back home? The international community has seen how Americas own president doesn’t even like America that much and yet has a very odd, unrealistic view that he will be the mechanism of change by “talking” people into liking us.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Cash For Clunkers From Suckers

Last month Americans For Tax Reform released a break-down of the recent Car Allowance Rebate Program, or “Cash for Clunkers”. Although their release on September 8th didn’t quite have all the math correct, the report still shows that if you are floating in a fantasy world that says: "more government and more government spending is the solution to all our problems", you need to wake up one of these days and comprehend that government does not create anything in and of itself. Government just spends your money, and when it needs more, government raises your taxes and damages the economy by devaluing our dollar by injecting more into the stream by printing more.
I know how people use numbers to further their ideological cause. People do it all the time. Politicians especially love to use numbers to help bring the illusion of validity to their causes. You have to be very careful taking for face value any numbers that are just dropped in front of you. Any Statistician will tell you numbers never lie; it is just how they are presented that can be deceitful. This is not deceitful. This is as straight forward as it gets.

Here is the correct breakdown of how the Government just blew three billion ($3,000,000,000) of our tax dollars to save about $717 million:

The average mileage a persons puts on their vehicle per year is 12,000 miles. The average “clunker” trade was for a vehicle that got 16mpg to a vehicle that got 25mpg. (Actually it was more like 15.8 to 24.9, but we will round to keep this nice and fifth-grade-like)
• Driving a 16mpg vehicle uses 750 gallons of gas per year (12,000/16 = 750)
• Driving a 25mpg vehicle consumes 480 gallons of gas per year (12,000/25 = 480)
• This equals an average of 270 less gallons consumed per year for each person. (750 – 480 = 270)
• 690,114 vehicles were used for this program equaling a total savings of 186,330,780 million gallons of gas per year. (690,114 x 270)
So far so good, right?

Here is the second part:
1 barrel of oil is $75 (right now anyway) and contains 42 gallons of crude oil.
1 barrel of oil will produce an average of 19.5 gallons of motor gasoline.
• 186,330,780 gallons saved divided by 19.5 gallons of gas from 1 barrel of oil, equals about 9.56 million barrels of oil.
• 9.56 million barrels at $75/barrel is about $717 million.
So, the government did in fact spend three billion ($3,000,000,000) of our tax dollars to maybe save about 717 million. This is no joke. There really are people out there that put their faith and trust in the government to do what is right with our money without ever thinking twice or questioning them. Sheep to the slaughter I say! And you want to give them Health Care, 17% of our entire economy?

Decide for yourself. Was this a fiscally sound program aimed at stimulating the economy? Or was this just another stunt by a far left administration with no sense of fiscal responsibility to force the country into aligning itself with a political or ideological notion? Let me ask you: Where do you think the $3500 or $4500 was going to come from if you qualified for this program? Money trees on Capitol Hill? Well, practically! We are the money trees! Every time (all 690+ thousand times) the government said “You want a new car? Here’s a bag of money!” they dug into our pockets. We are the suckers...
You’re welcome…