Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The White House of Cards

I was thinking about a good title for a book I want to write about the current phenomenon in the White House. I settled on “The Un-presidential President”. Then I came across an article by Richard Cohen in the Washington Post dated 09/29/2009: "Time to Act Like the President" that hits this nail on the head.
Sums up a lot of what needs to get through to most folks since the Lame Stream Media won’t ask hard questions and does nothing but message our Presidents ego with praise, admiration, and puff pieces for his every move.
Let me ask you this: Given all that is going on right now, not only domestically but on the global scene, what do you think the media would be saying about Bush if he went to Copenhagen to lobby for the 2016 Olympics to be in Chicago? They would be blasting him for being completely ignorant, incompetent, and derelict in his duty as President, wasting taxpayer dollars on something so frivolous, and giving in to political pressure from his cronies. Am I right, or am I right?
I have said it from the start. Obama couldn’t have a weaker resume for the job of Commander in Chief; and 9 months in, he has done nothing to assuage the apprehensions many have about how green he really is – how dangerous he really is for the country on several different levels. You can’t run a country on “Hope and Change”. One needs reality and fact, coupled with experience and judgment. The last person on the planet who should have a “Yes We Can”, appeasement-type-attitude on foreign policy is the President of the United States. You cant associate yourself with known domestic terrorists, racists, and FAR left radicals, achieve the highest elected position in the world, and have the audacity (to use his own word) to feed the American People a bunch of BS about bi-partisanship, calculated judgment and transparency. Those of us “clinging to our guns and religion” aren’t as stupid as you think we are. And our enemies (and allies for that matter) are currently laughing at us.

If the job requirements for President of the United States went something like this:
• Experience reading well from a teleprompter.
• Can perpetually campaign for the position of President, even LONG after position is granted.
• Will unfailingly blame and bring discredit upon the previous administration.
• Get involved from a national platform on domestic issues completely irrelevant to the Presidency, but from a global platform chastise and apologize for your own country.
• Has the ability to keenly dodge every controversial issue with such grace as “I didn’t know” or, “it wasn’t me”, or “I didn’t call for that…”.

Well, then I’d say we have the right guy for the job.

You like movies? I do too. Here is an assessment we can all relate to:
Obama is like a child that wanders into the middle of a movie, has no idea what is going on but insists on telling you what the movie is, how it ends, and proceeds to go over plot points with critics. Furthermore, to add insult to injury, instead of actually sitting down, listening, or asking what is happening to better understand the substance of the movie, he starts getting as much face time with the critics as possible to talk about a movie he knows nothing about.
Although the 2008 election didn’t really have ANY candidates to choose from with wowing credentials, I, like many others, didn’t so much vote “yes” for McCain as I voted an “absolutely not!” for Obama.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Zero of the Week: Kanye "Can't Allow a 17 Year Old White Girl to Win" West

I want you to do something. Google “Kanye West is a douche” and just see what happens. Or open your face book and search for the same thing and see how many groups are populated. With that being said I could end this blog right here, but there is too much fun to be had at this dudes expense.
Kanye West, the self proclaimed “voice of our generation” jumped onstage at the MTV Music Video Awards, took the mic from Taylor Swift during her acceptance speech for Best Female Video and started blathering about how Beyonce deserved the award because her video is one of the best of all time.
Thank you, Kanye -- voice of my generation -- for showing such grace, poise and acumen during the MTV Video Awards Show. Your awesome display of sound judgment will go down in history as a shining example for all to come of how to conduct yourself during someone else’s moment of glory. We are utterly bedazzled by your immense wisdom and sense of prudence.
Ok, enough with the sarcasm.
Has anyone else had enough of this racist, brain-less idiot? That’s right, I said it. I called a black man racist. **gasp!!!*** Oh my God! Say it aint so! Remember: This mans ignorant nincompoopery has made him say such things as “George Bush doesn’t care about black people.”, “I realize that my place and position in history is that I will go down as the voice of this generation…”, “The Bible had 20, 30, 40, 50 characters in it. You don’t think that I would be one of the characters of today’s modern Bible?” Ok Kanye, whatever you say dude…
Let this serve as an example of what a no-class, little-talent narcissist with a lot of money and WAAAAYYYY TOO MUCH EGO is capable of. Anyway, I do want to thank you though Kanye. You are an entertainer, and although I don’t really get into your music much, you have thoroughly entertained me and I believe that you will undoubtedly entertain me again in the future. Thanks for the laughs!

Hero of the Week: Congressman Joe Wilson

Congressman Joe Wilson did something truly amazing when he called out “YOU LIE!” during Obama’s Health Care speech during a joint session last Wednesday. He took the attention off of “The One” for a moment and shined an undeniable light on the TRUTH. With just two words, he got down to the brass tacks of the ISSUE at hand. He voiced in front of the President, Congress, and America what millions of Americans already know and have been trying to convey in Town Hall meetings of late. Thank you Congressman Wilson for publically bringing attention to the fact that this giant, sugar-coated, silver-plated health care reform bill is nothing more that a destructive mass of political manure. The only thing Congressman Wilson should apologize for is a breach in House decorum; period. Oh, wait a minute; he did just that! Right after the speech no less! He knows you can’t just shout stuff out in the House Chambers during a joint session with the President. He also apologized to the President at the White House and guess what, the President and Vice President accepted the apology. So why can’t the media and House Democrats drop the issue already? Hypocrisy! Plain and simple.

Here’s the real kicker that the media is trying to side step with its belittlement of Wilson: He was right! He spoke the truth, albeit in an inappropriate manner, but he was proven to be right. The White House came out with added provisions to the bill with regard to illegal aliens receiving health care coverage after Wilson’s outburst. Wilson had read the bill, served on the ways and means committee, and he couldn’t contain himself when the President misrepresented facts. It was a lot easier to shout “you lie!” than to try and blurt out: “Mr. President, you are misstating the facts!” Give me a break already… In all actuality, I find it refreshing to see that there is someone out there in Congress that is not gobbling up all the crap that Obama is force feeding us. Congressman Wilson brought the collective American disappointed voice into the House Chambers, and I don’t care if he breached protocol, he said what needed to be said. Should he ever apologize for actually saying “you lie” then it should be completely predicated on Nancy Pelosi apologizing for accusing the CIA of lying, Harry Reid, Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, (the Bush-hating democrats list goes on and on) apologizing for constantly smearing Bush and claiming he lied.
The fact that House Democrats want to get all sanctimonious and authoritarian on this guy just makes me want to puke. It should make you want to puke too! I don’t even care if you are a Democrat, this double-standard, hypocritical, duplicitous B.S. that comes from the left is undeniable and nauseating to say the least. You absolutely cannot deny the hypocrisy from the Democrats no matter what your political frame of mind is. Democrats routinely besmirched, smeared, and spoke ill of Bush or the Republican Party in general. Many were condescending -- said he lied among other things -- the media and celebrities ran wild with Bush-hate, and did any of those self righteous wind-bags apologize? HELL NO! It would be unconscionable for them to apologize to somebody they despised right? In his speech, Obama called every opposer to his plan (Republicans?) basically crazy for not believing his way is the only way.
Well, I salute you Congressman Wilson, and may you continue to fight the good fight. You spoke for millions of Americans who are sick and tired of being lied to and then ostracized by the incompetent corrupt media for actually doing the American thing and speaking out. We need more of our elected officials in Washington to speak out against lies and corruption.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Tim Hawkins - The Government Can

I Pledge to Expose Crap Like This for What it is: CRAP.

Get a puke bag ready...
Consider yourself warned.

Have you seen this self-gratifying display of celebrity-pompery from Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore? It came out a while ago, and has predictably fizzled in the wake of Obama’s plummeting approval ratings.
A couple of serious points before I have some fun with this:
First and foremost, an American citizen does not pledge servitude to any one man, woman or elected official. It is actually supposed to be the other way around. The President has pledged his service to us. We already have a pledge, and as I recall, we pledge allegiance to the Flag and the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands. Barrack Obama does not, nor has he ever represented what our Republic is really supposed to be. He represents Socialism, plain and simple. To deny it is to admit you have no clue what Socialism is or what the hell is going on around you. Furthermore, Obama manifests a Totalitarianistic approach in his politics. However, Americans are supposed to question our elected officials and hold them responsible. If they over-use their power WE THE PEOPLE are supposed to be the ones challenging them. Not pledging servitude to them. Our Constitution is very clear on this point. Citizens are not to be servants of the President!
The modern celebrities’ sense of self-importance is completely nauseating. And I contend that the majority of you out there – you know, the average American citizen -- agree with me.
Go ahead and check out the video if you haven’t agonized through it already.

I know; what a bunch of blathering puke, huh? These people want to all of a sudden appear patriotic when it best serves them? The Democrats are in the White House so its time to come out and pledge servitude to “The One”?

Well, I have a couple of pledges for you:
I pledge to make fun of these people whenever possible.
I pledge not to believe in any of this crap.
I pledge to do my duty as a responsible American citizen and hold politicians who abuse their power accountable.
I pledge to call half-wit celebrities who use their money and fame to push a political agenda what they truly are: Not citizens, but serfs. Fabrications of the Medias propaganda, living in a total fantasy world far removed from the average American.

“I pledge to get rid of my obnoxious car and get a hybrid” – Are you effing kidding me!? Give me a break, these people get into the back of Limos most of the time. See! It’s this kind of ridiculous, pompous, self gratifying crap that is obnoxious and deserves ostracism or at best, ridicule. Anytime I see these people spew their arrogant elitist bile to the masses I just want to put a marquee over their head that reads:

“Look at me; I am a self-important, ego messaging over-paid windbag who wouldn’t know True Patriotism if it slapped me in the face. I believe my money and celebrity status keeps me safe, not the men and women who fight and die so that I can continue to further my right of freedom of speech and publically make a complete ass of myself.”

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Congressional B.O: Aristocratic Elitism

So there is a stink starting to drift through the air that the average American can no longer deny; an aristocratic stink coming from our elected public officials. Their true colors are clearly bleeding though and the stench is wafting through the air. Enough to the point where the average (or lowly in their view) American who hasnt paid much attention to politics before cant help but notice the elitism and arrogance permeating from our elected public officials. That’s right: ELECTED PUBLIC OFFICIALS. I will continue to refer to them as what they are. I think they have forgotten that they work for us. They do not rule over us. We are not their subjects. This is a point made very clear in the Constitution, and a very important ingredient that has helped to make this country so great for so long. But our countries greatness is waning. The value of our currency – the once “Almighty Dollar”— is failing. And politicians are seemingly doing whatever they want instead the will of the people.
Just look at the arrogant, elitism coming from members of Congress in the Town Hall Meetings. Sheer aristocratic patronization of the very people they are supposed to be serving. For a shining example look to Congressman Barney Frank of MA: A woman called out Barney Frank for supporting Nazi policy at Franks meeting in Dartmouth MA and he just dismissed her as a right-wing nut job asking her “…on which planet do spend most of your time?” He went on to say, "Trying to have a conversation with you would be like arguing with a dining room table." Ya. Real classy Frank. Oh, and by the way, when that woman asked why you are supporting policy that the Nazis had she was being genuine and actually deserved an objective answer instead of the juvenile dismissal you gave her. The National Socialist Party of Hitler (the Nazis) took over the banks, auto industry, and health care. Much like what we are witnessing from our current administration. So really, Congressman Frank, I pose the question to you sir: On what planet do YOU think you are spending most of your time? Because on this planet Nazi policy and fascism was a very real manifestation of “change” that brought forth mass destruction for millions of people. Over 600 thousand of our own troops died to eradicate its oppression. But I guess to you talking about that is about as useless as talking to a dining room table, right?