Authentic American values and beliefs have been under attack for a long time, but never before like they currently are under the new administration. People are angry – and they have reason to be. Anger comes out of a perceived injustice. The Obama administration and the sycophants in the media do not heed or value authentic American beliefs. This is a great injustice for those of us that do. It is my firm belief – and I know I am not alone in believing this– that several of America’s once strong and dependable institutions have drifted into mediocrity and even complete failure. Chiefly among these are The Press and Public Education.
Authentic American beliefs are not portrayed in the media anymore, nor conveyed to our children in public school.
One very authentic American belief is we are all accountable for our actions. One of the destructive consequences of the vile deception of political correctness is that we are all made into victims and genuine accountability is diminished to the point of non-existence. Under the erroneous guise of political correctness, blame is shifted to a disease, a gene, an addiction, an idea, an object, or any number of external forces except the individual who is in fact at fault. Political correctness is greatly aiding in the adulteration of authentic American values because under its reign we can’t come out and objectively appoint blame where blame is due for fear of offending someone or offending their heritage, religion, orientation, etc. etc.
A relevant example that illustrates my point perfectly is the recent Fort Hood massacre. Why hasn’t the Obama administration or the main-stream-media gone on record and called Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan what he truly is: A Muslim-extremist-Jihadist who perpetrated heinous murder of innocent Americans. I have seen him referred to as “the shooter”, “alleged gunman”, even an honorable American who was just misunderstood and harassed. This politically correct deception has slithered its way into our culture and created an illusion of a false sense of entitlement -- a right to not be offended. Candidly speaking, nowhere in the United States Constitution, any of its 27 amendments, the Bill of Rights, or even the Ten Commandments for that matter does is say you have a fundamental right not to be offended. Being offended is part of life. What you do with that feeling, how you act or react to it is what helps define your character. A nasty consequence of political correctness the country has to deal with is a false and sick sense of entitlement that is becoming increasingly prevalent among the populous. Suddenly we are entitled a house, a car, a college education, free health care, etc. etc. In reality, these things cost money, and must be worked for and earned. If we are in fact endowed by our Creator with the unalienable right to pursue happiness, then we should be free to do just that -- Pursue it! The authentic American belief on this issue is that we are entitled to what we work hard to earn. Never has it been an American belief that happiness is an entitlement that is just given.
Furthermore, we are only as accountable as we want to be. This concept, independently, doesn’t have anything to do with authentic American values, it is just a fact. But we live in a society that does not teach accountability in its institutions anymore. No longer are we externally held accountable for our actions. Again, I am speaking largely of the institutions of The Press and Public Education. Although personal accountability may be taught through The Church or at home, The Church is no longer considered a viable institution for growth by the State or media. The Press is quite obviously derelict in its duty to keep government in check by holding it accountable. Furthermore, discipline and accountability are by and large void in Public Education out of fear for being sued by someone who feels they have been offended.
Another Authentic American belief that is slowly but surely being eradicated by our institutions is the notion that we are endowed by a Creator with certain unalienable rights. The reason this concept is becoming extinct is because of a decline in popular media of the belief in God – a fundamental belief from our nations founding. Furthermore, if a teacher presents the notion that there is even the mere chance of intelligent design, they are ostracized, blacklisted, and very often fired. Just watch Ben Steins film Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed for relevant evidence of this.
Once God is removed from the picture, certain rights become relative. Our Constitution was based at our Founding on the notion that we are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights. Rights like life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Representative in the Constitution and its amendments are other intangible rights that are under attack, such as, personal freedom (the first amendment), owning of personal property, and a right to safety (the second amendment).
Once it is believed there is no God, these rights become relative to how another human being perceives them.
I do not intend on using this article to primarily argue theological concepts. I just argue the following point: If you do not believe in God, how can you fundamentally believe in the sanctity of life? If the cosmos and all the amazing intricacies of life were in fact nothing more than a mere anomaly, (the chances of happening are one in over a billion, or mathematically zero by the way), then how can you view life as sacred? If you do not believe in God or a Creator, then you believe that life came out of nothing -- accidentally -- which means it holds no purpose or meaning beyond the superficial. Along with this non-authentic American belief comes the concept that the individual is their own God, accountable to nothing greater than himself.
Let me put this into perspective: With no God, there is no sanctity of life, thus the individual becomes God of himself. Right and wrong become fundamentally blurred and what were once undeniable rights become subject to human interpretation. A perfect example of how this is put into practice is the fact that some people argue it is an individual’s right to choose if a new life deserves to be born or not.
Those of us that believe in authentic America have a task ahead of us. It is the task that we have always had, and a task that should never be taken for granted. Our task is to confidently vocalize our concern, vigilantly stand up for what we believe in, and relentlessly remind our elected officials of what this country stands for. I adamantly believe that authentic American beliefs are still very much alive throughout this country and in the hearts of the majority of Americans. We do not agree with the indoctrination of our children in public school with non-authentic American values. We are tired of being mischaracterized in the media as right-wing nut jobs, redneck idiots, or angry racists who cling to our guns and religion. We are here to demand accountability and ensure the political death of those that oppose!
Those of us that adhere to the authentic American belief system need to unite and make it our mission to do everything within our power, legally, and ethically to make certain that those opposed to authentic American beliefs NEVER be elected into office again.
Who is with me?
Rediscovery of Winter
15 years ago
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