Friday, March 25, 2011

Obama: A War Criminal?

Our president has declared war on another country without congressional approval. Is he going to be held accountable for this action, or will this matter be shrugged off and Obama given another complete pass to continue to be a total failure of a Commander in Chief?

In 2007 Obama told the Boston Globe:

“The President does not have the power under the constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.”

In a press conference on March 21st Obama said:

“The core principle that has to be upheld here [military action against Libya] is that when the entire international community almost unanimously says that there is a potential humanitarian crisis about to take place, that a leader [Qaddafi] who has lost his legitimacy, decides to turn his military on his own people, that we can’t simply stand by with empty words. That we have to take some sort of action.”

So, by Obama’s logic, if this so called “international community” is involved, then the US Constitution is irrelevant? Since when does the president cease to be answerable to congress and the American people regarding involving the country in a war? What is the “actual or imminent threat” to our nation from Libya?

Several presidents over the past 40 years have been notorious for committing acts of war on other nations without proper congressional consent. Kennedy sent “advisors” to Vietnam which were later involved in combat action against the Viet Minh, Johnson had the controversial Gulf of Tonkin Resolution which committed the US to combat action in Vietnam, Nixon bombed Cambodia, Clinton brought US military action against Kosovo and Somalia then left those places in a mess, and now Obama moves the US into Libya. It takes an act of congress to make war on another country—whatever the reason, humanitarian or otherwise, and Obama failed to seek congressional authorization. What is this “international community” that the US is apparently answerable to according to Obama? Are we not a sovereign nation with our own Constitution?

What Obama has said about Libya could easily describe Saddam and Iraq even going back to before Operation Desert Storm--the very same Saddam and Iraq that Obama and democrats blasted the Bush administration for being irrelevant to the War on Terror. Furthermore, if circumventing a “potential humanitarian crisis” is the reason Obama is citing for declaring war on Libya, then why doesn’t he declare war on any number of the dozen or so other countries in the world in which humanitarian crises take place. Why was Obama totally silent during the humanitarian crises in Iran during the beginning of his term? There are “humanitarian crisis’s” happening every day in our own southern states pertaining to illegal immigration and the injustices and intimidation of ranchers and farmers. Does our own federal government do anything about that? Absolutely not. And don’t tell me the Bureaucracy of “Homeland Security” and Border Patrol is an acceptable answer.

By the way, Bush did get unanimous authorization from congress in October of 2001 to conduct military action on any nation that harbored, supported, or was sympathetic to terrorists.

Where is the “international coalition” here? Despite no congressional approval, military action against Libya thus far has been solely American—the US is conducting the operations, the US is supplying the operations, the US is financing the operations. As far as Qaddafi and all Muslim terrorists around the world are concerned, the 112 Tomahawk cruise missiles that exploded in Tripoli last Saturday came from the US—not this phantom “international community” Obama speaks of.

How many wars can one nation be involved in and still maintain some semblance of functionality on the home front? Our nation is currently reeling with economic distress, the highest unemployment in 30 years, ever increasing prices, fear of inflation, fear of tax increases, a large illegal immigration problem, political discourse, war fatigue, decreasing morale in the military, many states are virtually bankrupt, and our Commander in Chief commits the nation to yet another war-front! What is his goal? What is the plan, strategy, endgame, anything? The fact that we have no idea is further proof that this administration is dangerously incompetent and completely in over their heads. Even Hillary just announced that if Obama gets another term, she’s out.

Aside from all of the glaringly bad decisions and indecisions the Obama administration has made domestically, ultimately it has been our president’s embarrassing failure as our Commander in Chief and foreign policy blunders that have really reinforced my resolve that the election of Obama was a shameful mistake that America must remedy in the next election cycle. I know every president has flaws and makes mistakes, and we will never be able to elect the “perfect” individual; however, Obama has proven he was not ready for the job of president. His past which contains absolutely no leadership experience, to our detriment, is catching up to him.

Obama’s first impression on the world pertaining to war matters was anticlimactic to say the least. He dithered on Afghanistan for over six months when we needed decisive action, strategy, and leadership. Under Obama, the US is a stagnate-occupying force in Iraq with no real direction on how to proceed. He completely dismissed the Iranian uprising, thus being absent on a crucial international opportunity to stand for freedom and democracy and denounce tyranny and oppression. He has now inserted the US into a third front on wars against Muslim nations (so much for his tireless outreach to the Muslim population…).

The stench of hypocrisy coming from this president, his administration, and the democrat-party-biased-media regarding war is staggering. Where are all of the war protestors now? They couldn’t contain themselves when Bush was in office, but now they got their guy in the White House, so all is quiet. By the way, at least eight Marines lost their lives in Afghanistan last week. Did the media make a peep about that? When was the last time we ever heard anything, good or bad, about the war on terror? It seems once Obama took power it basically vanished from the media’s vernacular. But of course the death of Michael Jackson, Tiger Woods’ girlfriends, Charlie Sheen’s melt-downs, and Obama’s brackets for March Madness make much better cover stories for anything that could potentially shed a negative light on Obama and his failed handling of these wars. Must be nice to have a large portion of the media covering for you all the time…

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