Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Truth Comes Out

Big surprise…

The curtain has finally been pulled back to reveal NPR executives for what they truly are: liberal ideologues with a warped and fearful outlook of anyone and anything that does not fit their social-political paradigm.

This story underscores a concrete example of how certain liberals or “progressives” at higher media or political levels view you—the conservative. They label you as stupid and racist. Of course the irony here is that they label you as fearful of many groups of people such as Muslims, homosexuals, immigrants, minorities etc. and yet it seems that they are in reality fearful of conservatives.

Maybe we could coin a new phobia: Conserveatiphobia…

Say nothing of the blatant anti-Semite remarks from Schiller in the video.

Logical thinking and genuine honesty dictate that generalizing an entire group of people is not intelligent or even rational. Labeling the entire Tea Party as “racist” is simply a hasty generalization that does not hold any concrete evidence or proof; however, it seems logic, proof, evidence, and truth do not matter to the staunch liberal or “progressive”. Labeling the entire Nazi party of the Third Reich as fascists however is not a hasty generalization due to the multitude of historical proof, evidence, and objective deduction from their actions. By the way, didn’t the Nazis also dabble in the generalization of an entire people as being inferior, stupid, inhuman, not to be given any real credence or platform? Sounds eerily familiar from what we find continually coming from the hard-left in the political spectrum today.

The blatant political and ideological slant to the left demonstrated by the Main Stream Media is becoming more and more obvious all the time. How can a person take them for “objective journalists” anymore unless they themselves subscribe to the same brand of leftism in the first place?

Although this NPR story comes as no surprise, the unfortunate reality of it is, their mindset is not isolated. The White House, Executive Branch, Senate, and the majority of the large media outlets on TV and in print are full of individuals of the same disposition.

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