Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Congressional B.O: Aristocratic Elitism

So there is a stink starting to drift through the air that the average American can no longer deny; an aristocratic stink coming from our elected public officials. Their true colors are clearly bleeding though and the stench is wafting through the air. Enough to the point where the average (or lowly in their view) American who hasnt paid much attention to politics before cant help but notice the elitism and arrogance permeating from our elected public officials. That’s right: ELECTED PUBLIC OFFICIALS. I will continue to refer to them as what they are. I think they have forgotten that they work for us. They do not rule over us. We are not their subjects. This is a point made very clear in the Constitution, and a very important ingredient that has helped to make this country so great for so long. But our countries greatness is waning. The value of our currency – the once “Almighty Dollar”— is failing. And politicians are seemingly doing whatever they want instead the will of the people.
Just look at the arrogant, elitism coming from members of Congress in the Town Hall Meetings. Sheer aristocratic patronization of the very people they are supposed to be serving. For a shining example look to Congressman Barney Frank of MA: A woman called out Barney Frank for supporting Nazi policy at Franks meeting in Dartmouth MA and he just dismissed her as a right-wing nut job asking her “…on which planet do spend most of your time?” He went on to say, "Trying to have a conversation with you would be like arguing with a dining room table." Ya. Real classy Frank. Oh, and by the way, when that woman asked why you are supporting policy that the Nazis had she was being genuine and actually deserved an objective answer instead of the juvenile dismissal you gave her. The National Socialist Party of Hitler (the Nazis) took over the banks, auto industry, and health care. Much like what we are witnessing from our current administration. So really, Congressman Frank, I pose the question to you sir: On what planet do YOU think you are spending most of your time? Because on this planet Nazi policy and fascism was a very real manifestation of “change” that brought forth mass destruction for millions of people. Over 600 thousand of our own troops died to eradicate its oppression. But I guess to you talking about that is about as useless as talking to a dining room table, right?

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